Chapter 6

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(A/N – This chapter is dedicated to susutls thanks for the idea! :) on with the story!)

We walked into the big top and I instantly felt like curling in on myself and crying. It looked exactly like it did that night. Posters still hung on the walls. Everywhere I looked I was met with the smiling faces of my family. Then I saw her and I knew I had to stay strong... for her. Barbara was hanging by her wrists on the trapeze. "Barbara!" I called up to her.

She looked down at me and I saw the fear in her eyes. And trust me it took a heck of a lot to scare her. "Di-Robin!" she called in relief.

I ran over to the ladder and started climbing as fast as I could. Once I reached the top I held my hand out to her "Babs swing over to me!"I called.

"Sorry Dick but that's going to be a little hard." A voice rang through the tent.

I frowned "Zucco let her go it's me you want. You want to finish off the job don't you? The last Flying Grayson."

He stepped into the center ring "Aw how'd you know? Although you should probably change your title to falling Grayson. It seems like that's all that people around you do." With the press of a button the trapeze Barbara was holding on to released from the ropes.

"Barbara!" I yelled. Without even thinking twice I jumped off the platform and grabbed another trapeze. I only just barley caught her wrist and swung us both safely over to the other platform. Once her feet touched down she quickly wrapped me in a hug and started crying into my shoulder. I softly rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

"Well as touching as this is I was really hoping she would go splat." Zucco mused from down bellow.

I scowled down at him and Barbara unwrapped her arms. She smiled at "Go kick his butt for me." I blushed as she gave me a small peck on the cheek. Oh I hope Wally didn't see that he would never let me live it down. I shot my grappling hook and swung down to Zucco. This was going to get ugly...

(A/N - Hi! well I don't really have much to say other then you should check out some of my other Young Justice stories. all of them are Robin centric so ya... bye! Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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