Final chapter.

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3 days later

Angie's pov

"Oh my gosh home." I say walking into our apartment. Sam puts his keys on the counter.

I wrap my arms around his torso hugging him.

"I missed you so much. Don't ever do that to me again." He says.

"I'll try not to." I say kissing him.

"Now. We've had a long day getting you out of that hospital. Let's go watch Netflix." He says making me laugh. We go into our room and lay down watching friends.

After a couple of episodes we both fall asleep.

Court day

I wake up at the same time as Sam.

"We better get ready." I say.

I put on my black pencil skirt, white white plane shirt, with a black blazer over it and black heels.

I curl my hair, do my makeup smokey eye, black eyeliner, and mascara.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Sammy in a nice black suit.
(Warning. I have no idea how court works. This is probably gonna be all wrong. Sawy.)

We drive down to the court room. We meet up with our lawyer, and everyone else. The. We take our seats on our side of the court.

They bring Taylor in and he sits in his seat. He looks straight at me and smirks.

"Don't let him get to you." He says. I look behind me and see my dad. What the hell.

I'm at the same table as Andrea since got affected by it the most.

The judge comes in and makes us do the oath and stuff. The lawyer said because of the facts he managed to shorten the court days to 2. Thank god.

The judge talks to us for a little while and stuff. Taylor pleads not guilty. All that jazz.

"Angelina. Will you come up and tell us your story."

I sit at the little box thing next to the judge. Taylor's lawyer comes up to me.

"So Angelina. As I have heard you've had a past with Taylor."

"Yes. We used to date in high school. Which is kind of how everything happened."

"Well tell us. What did happen." I can tell this chick is gonna be a bitch.

"We dated for 2 years. He made me feel special. Called me beautiful. Well my dad was a drunk. He drank, brought woman over and all that. So I moved in with Taylor. Soon after he started turning into a drunk. One night he came home and hit me. I wasn't gonna be that kind of girl o I left. But soon he showed up at my place drunk when my dad was gone. And he raped me."

"He already went to court because if that correct?"

"Yes but-"

"So why are we here?" I know this bitch did not just I terupt me.

"Well let me finish. I was shopping with my friend on her birthday..." I tell the entire story.

"That doesn't prove he did this on purpose. Why would he put his life on the line?"

"Objection." The judge allows it.

"I have evidence. We searched Taylor caniffs phone. Many texts going to an Angel Garcia saying that he's gonna kill Angie. And when he's done she'll get Sammy wilk. They were setting up a plan." He hands the papers to the jury.

"My client was mad. Took his anger out by texting it."

"Really. Texting and calling each other explaining an entire plan to get this young lady killed, and the day of the crash he texted angel quote 'I am in front of her apartment. When she leaves I'm chasing her down and finishing what I started. Sammy will be yours.' How do you explain that?" He says

"No further." He says sitting down.

I sit in my seat. Andrea goes up.

"So tell me Andrea. Did Mr. Caniff rape you?" The lawyer asks.


"Did he harm you?"

"Mentally yes."

"What could he possibly do mentally that would make you come out here and do this?"

"Try taking a picture of us while having sex." She says with attitude.

"What do you mean us?"

"My boyfriend jack and I."

"You don't have proof."

"Objection. I have the picture. And the text going from Taylor to angel saying quote 'mess with the best friend Andrea. Take a picture of her and gilinsky doing it. Then threaten to tell her YouTube followers and Christian mother." He shows the jury. 

He also shows the picture but blurred out.

Andrea looks utterly embarrassed.

"Andrea this isn't sex." The lawyer says.

"You know what I meant. We were Intament." She says.

"Did Taylor Caniff take that picture?"

"He told the girl to."

"But he didn't physically himself did he?"

"Well no. Bu-"

"Nothing further."

We're in court for another 2 or more hours.

One of the people from the jury goes up to the the judge.

"We have enough evidence and facts to end the trial today." The judge says. I let out a deep breath.

About 30 minutes later they give The judge a paper.

"Under the charge of attempted murder. We find the defendant guilty. Sentenced to 15 years without bail." He does his little hammer thingy.

"The rest of you are free to go." He says

Andrea and I hug.

"Thank you so much Dr. Smith." I say shaking his hand. So does Andrea.

"It was my pleasure girls. Take care of yourselves and if you need anything done be afraid to call me." He says

They take Taylor in hand cuffs.

"JUST WAIT ANGIE! I'll come for you! You'll be dead! I'll escape and get you!" He yells being taken away.

I leave the court and practically jump on Sammy.

"It's over." I say breaking down hugging him.

"Yup. It is."

This was the final chapter. Thank you guys so much. I had such a blast writing this book. I'm trying to decide if I should write a book 2 or write an epilogue. What should I do?!?!

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