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Winnie P.O.V.

I lean in on the screen watching Easton closely. He encounters the two girls, Jordan and Lily.


Lily and I go way back, back till I was 15 years old and she was only 6 years old.

I babysat her, her strict parents loving me. Lily was always a big goofball, always energetic and wanting to play sports and all that stuff.

I was the strictest babysitter in Quilt Gates, the richest town in Malika.

I lived in Veer, the poorest town in Malika.

Lily started hating when I told her Soccer was only for boys.

The good thing is I worked for the Nightmares and I knew everything about her past.

Anyway, I examined the screen. Easton disappeared from the camera's view. Then, all the sudden, all the cameras went black.

I whacked the monitor, trying to get it to respond. It didn't.

I spun around. "Captain!" I yelled, my Carmel hair whacking my face.

Hearing my shrill voice, he spun around. "Yes?"

"All the monitors are down." I answered, my voice was unnaturally high, since I had my vocal cords modified.

He walked over the the monitors. "What did you do, scum?!"

I leaned over to him and wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay." I whispered into his ear. "I'll just go into the dream."

"Okay." He said, kissing my cheek. "You need training first though."

"Okay." I smiled.

He walked away, and I smirked.

I was using Captain. I want to be the leader of the Nightmares and I'm going to handle this situation if Easton won't.

Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of voices. I stretched out and yawned, strands of hair from the messy bun on the top of my head fell in my face. I blew the brown strands out of my way and slightly unzipped the door to the inside of the tent. It was Jordan talking to a boy whom looked about our age and looked just like Captain America, well from the back at least.

"Ohmehgosh." I whispered under my breath, climbing out of the tent. "What is this?" I asked, still half asleep. "I thought you weren't dating anymore."

"We went out to high school together." Jordan answered pushing him back with the end of her spear.

"Okay." I said with a wink. I yawned and rubbed my tired eyes.

Jordan went to bed, I had to pee, I lost yet another staring contest with Marbles, and I explained almost everything to him.

He sat next to me on the log, we had small talk, which was a little boring. I wanted adventure.

I looked up at him with my brown eyes, luckily he was looking at Marbles, or else he might think I'm some weird stalker. Turns out he had black hair and bright blue eyes... Nightwing. Yep. Nightwing. That's who he looked like.

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