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Jordan P.O.V

I thought of my spear. It grew on my hand.

I walked through the door of vines into the temple.

It was empty.

I walked back out of the temple.

"Nothing." I shook my head.

I walked up next to Easton and we waited for Lily.

She exited, tripping over her own feet and frantically swiping cobwebs away from her body.

She ran over screaming at us. "Why did you make me go in there?!"

"What happened?" Easton asked her, concerned.

"Spiders, bugs, and things of that nature." She answered.

She gave one last swipe to her hair and shivered.

"Stop." I paused.

The ground shook.

"Bro, she's like a nature whisperer." Easton exclaimed.

I glared at him. I couldn't really stay mad though because he was acting exactly how he used to.

"We should check it out." I stated.

Lily and Easton nodded.

We walked to were we thought it came from.

Lily P.O.V

We walked until we came to a Dream Raider transporter.

We didn't need help why would they send someone else here?

"I'll check out the area." I said.

I went farther away and started walking.

I didn't exactly know what I was looking for.

The bushes rustled and I immediately thought of a weapon.

I moved the bushes out of the way.

There say a guy about our age. I couldn't see who it was because he had on a blue hat on.

He groaned.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He leaned back on the tree.

I dramatically gasped, it's my thing.

But anyways,

"Lily, where's Jordan?" He asked.

"Why would I tell you?" I asked him.

"Because... I need to tell her something." He said.

"I doubt she wants to see or speak to you." I growled.

"Please Lily, let me fix this." He said.

"Fine." I answered.

Dream Raiders: The Jade GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now