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Jordan's P.O.V.

I crossed my arms, glaring at Sam.

"I'm not taking you back." I growl.

"Please Jordan. I love you, your my everything, I want to marry you, I want you to have my children, please." Sam said.

"Woah buddy, slow down there. Children? Marriage? Are you freaking kidding me? You have changed, big time. Why do you even want me back? To leave me to die again?" I glared.

"Do you even remember how we met?!" Sam said, grasping onto anything at this point.

~4 Years ago~

Sam and I walked through the halls of our high school, he was explaining to me how he was in a group with amazing technology.

"I love technology!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe I could show you where I work after school." Sam said, holding my hands.

"Ohmygosh!" I exclaimed. "Thank you!" I planted a kiss on his lips.

"I love you." He said, grinning.

"Okay, let's go!" I said, charging towards his car.

"Here, I have to blindfold you though." He said as he wrapped the cloth around my head.

"Oh, okay." He took me there, and I was amazed.

Later that night, I told Lily everything, and we Sam took us there to apply for a job.

~Present Day~

"I got you into Dream Raiders, my father owns Dream Raiders, and I can easily kick you out. I will make you love me if I have to." Sam threatened. "You've changed too, Jordan. You've changed a lot. You used to be almost as upbeat as Lily... Well, maybe not that upbeat, but you get the point."

"Sam, you don't know me, you left me to die." I countered.

"That's because my life is much more important than yours!" He said in anger.

A tear slipped out my eye and rolled down my cheek. I slapped him across his sorry face.

~2 Years ago~

I had gotten a bit drunk with Lily at a high school party and was dancing the night away with Lily. Lily wandered off and started dancing on the DJ booth, so I walked over to Sam. Sam was trying to block out the loud music.

"We should go." He shouted over the music.

"No!" I said, trying to keep my balance. "I'm having fun! Try it, man!"

I pulled him in for a kiss. He pushed me away.

"Hey! What's your problem?!" I said, taking off my high heels. 

"I'm taking you home." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the crowds towards Lily. He pulled her down and Lily started screaming she was being kidnapped by her own ride.

He pushed us in the car and clipped our seat belts in place like we were children. Lily was whining the whole time how she wanted a Buzz Lightyear toy for some reason.

He pulled into Lily's driveway and brought her home, she was going to get quite the scolding tomorrow.

He pulled into my own driveway and my parents came out smiling.

"Her first night, drunk." My mom said with a smile. "I remember that night of my own... Actually, I don't remember."

My parents laughed. "Thanks for bringing her home."

"No problem." Sam said, running off.

Sorry we haven't posted in forever and sorry for the short chapter!

Dream Raiders: The Jade GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now