Chapter 2* Help Me

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Ruby's pov

I woke up and looked around. I was in a bedroom, that was purple.
Where am I? I tried moving my wrists but I couldn't.
I looked at them, there are chains around them. Theres no point on trying to get out, its not gonna happen.

I saw the door open and a boy that looked older than me with blond hair came into the room.

"Good your awake."
"Who are you?!"
He made a noise that sounded like he was disgusted with me.
"Im Alois Trancy."
"And your important how?"

He walked toward me a lifted his hand.
"Hit me, see if I care."
His hand came down and hit me making my groan in pain.
"So this is fun for you, torturing others because of your past, I dont care what happened to you, but you should let it go.... I let mine go."
"Course its fun for me, you just need to shut up."
I laughed.

"If my parents were here, you'd be dead."
"What about ciel? Would he protect you?"

I felt my eyes close.
"I-I dont know, he may not even think of anything more then someone to boss around."
"Well why did I think I captured you?"
I opened my eyes again. "You wanted ciel, please Im smarter than you'd think, you captured me so ciel would come and save me then you would kill him, well I know for a fact that he's not dying soon."

"Shut up, Im done talking to you, your annoying."

He left the room and slammed the door.
I put my head down on the bed and sighed. What if ciel doesnt want to save me because he knows this is just a trap.

I felt alone, Ive havent felt this in along time.

Ciels POV

The lights turned back on and I looked around. Ruby.
"They took Ruby."
"What would you want me to do."
"Find her, I promised her parents that I would protect her."
"Yes my lord."

I watched Sabastian leave the manor and into the darkness, Im leaving her life on his hands, he better not mess up.

Rubys POV

I heard a sound coming from outside the door, like fighting.

I tried to hear it better, then I heard Sabastians voice?!

The door flew open and he was standing there.
"Hello my lady."
"Thank you for saving me."
"Dont thank me too soon, I still have to find away to get these chains off. Please close your eyes miss."

I closed my eyes and I felt the chains fall off my wrists then arms wrapping around me picking me up.

"You can open your eyes."
I opened them and we were standing on a roof.

"We'll be there soon."
I nodded.

When we got back I saw everyone waiting at the front door.

Sabastian put me down and I looked at my wrists seeing a red mark.

"Miss! Your safe."
I nodded.
"Who took you?"
I looked at ciel who had a blank expression on his face.
"Alois Trancy, he took me only so he could kill you, cause he thought you would come..."
I guess I was right, he didnt come Sabastian did.

I walked inside ignoring anyone if they were talking to me, I walked into my bedroom and sat on the bed.
No one cares about me.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."
I looked up and saw someone with red hair glasses and a chainsaw.
"Ciel probably loves you like I love sabast-chan!"
"And who are you."
"Im grell, and my love for sabast-chan burns with firery passion!"
"Why did you say that ciel probably loves me, I know the truth..he doesnt, and plus we just met, he must hate me."
Grell looked upset, then she(grell is a girl so dont say she isn't) fell to the ground.
"Uh, Im sorry did I say something wrong?"
I moved backwards a little.

The door slammed against the wall and ceil and Sabastian were there.

"Take grell somewhere."
Sabastian picked up grell by the back of her coat and and left the room.

"Why did you storm off."
"Everyone is probably just pretending that they like me, its happened to me so many times."
I felt tears rolling down my face, ciel looked really angry, I should stop talking before something bad happens.
"What did he do."
I looked at him and saw that he knew I was lying.
"Fine, he slapped me, I dont know what the big deal is anyway."
I was used to it, my dad would home home from bars in our village and abuse me and my sister, until my sister died, assassins killed her. My father stoped drinking after that, he thought that his drinking made her die. I dont know how I know this, I guess I just do.

I snapped back to reality when I heard my name being called.

"What were you thinking about."
He left the room and I sat there wondering why ciel was so upset.

Sabastian walked passed the door and I ran after him.
He slowly turned around and looked at me.
"Yes my lady."
"Why is ciel so upset?"
"I dont know if I should tell you that.." "why?"
"He had a tough past."
"So did I, but I dont go around yelling at people."
"His, Ill tell you as long as you never speak of it."
I nodded
"Of course, Im good at keeping secrets."
I gave me a weird look then started talking about ciels history.

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