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I walked out with ciel and got into the carriage.
I hope my dad is dead, but my mother...

"Do you know if my dad died? Cause if he did I'm overjoyed but my mother on the other hand..."
"Your going to have to ask Sabastian."

"Your going to have to ask Sabastian if your dad died."
"Ok." I looked outside and sighed. This world is strange, demons... whatever god created this world for a reason.

What am I thinking? Im a demon why am I thinking about god?

I closed my eyes and smiled a little.
I hope my dad died.

I opened my eyes and looked at ciel.
"Are you ok?"
"Oh, uh ya..."
"Fine, I want to know if my mom will be ok, she lost a daughter.... and now a husband."
"Could you tell me about your sister?"
I froze, did he say what I thought he just said.
"Could you tell me about your sister?"

He did say what I thought he said.

"Uh, sure."

"I chased after my sister as she ran down the stairs.
I fell down them making her turn around to help me.
She was that kind of person, always helping people in need.
"Ruby, ellie"
It was time.
We walked to our fathers office, he started yelling at us, that soon turned into hitting then punching and sometimes broken bones.
My mother would sometimes stay and be forced to watch, she would be abused along with us, or she was in town.

When we were done we were sent to our rooms to read or draw. That was the nice part, when it was all done.

One morning I woke up and saw my sister lying there, a bullet mark in her stomach blood everywhere. I remember her telling me to stay strong, she said to always smile, never cry.... and to take care of our mother, I never did any of these things, I never smiled, always cried, and ignored my mother.

I regret everything....."

I looked at ciel and felt tears streaming down my face.

"Im sorry."
"Its not your fault, mine, my mothers... it was all my father, thats why I want him dead so badly."
I put my head down and let the tears fall.

The carriage stopped and ciel helped me out of the carriage.
Once I got out he pulled me into a hug. I stood there in shock but I soon hugged him back.

"Thank you."
He let go and looked at me.
"You needed one."
"So did you."
He stared at me.
"I know what happened to you."

He put his head down and started fiddling with his ring.
I lifted my hand and looked at my ring.
I grabbed ciels hand and showed him the rings. I felt a smile creep onto my face.

He looked then gave a small smile back.

"Lets go inside."
He grabbed my wrist and dragged me along until I caught up.

We walked into the dining room where baldo was covered in ashes, mey-rin had cracked glasses and funny was holding part of a statue.

"Sabastain fix these fools."
"Yes my lord."

I watched as sabastian dragged them away.

Ciel walked towards a small picture that hung on the wall.
I followed him looking at the picture.
"Is that your mother and father?"
"Well now I know where your hair and eyes came from."

He looked at me and I smiled.
I opened my eyes and saw him staring at the picture again.

I wish I had a normal life, like his parents look in the picture. I wonder if they werr good people, well of course they were, how would you explain ciel? He may act like he doesn't care for anyone, but he does he cares for everyone one in this manor, even me... I finally realized it.

Even after thinking he just liked bossing people around and not caring what he did to them.

But I know now that he has a heart, and a good one too.

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