Chapter 5 Act Like You Love Me

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Chapter 5 Ainsley POV:
School was finally out and I though about Shawn. I'm scared, I'm a girl for crying out loud fans are going to hate me. I don't want to ruin his "fame" because of me. I jumped in my car and drove home immediately. I walked to my small apartment where it was just me and my Pa.
"I'm home!" I yelled in excitement! I glanced at the kitchen table and saw my pa put down his newspaper and walk towards me.
"My doll! How was you day sweetie." He responded with love.
"Actually it was weird? I don't know. I met someone today." I responded. I can talk to him about anything. He is my world and frankly all I have left.
"Here you go. I wanted to give you these before school, but I didn't want to bring the gray clouds over you." My Pa handed me flowers and I knew exactly what they were for. Last year, I had a brother. He was nine and his name was Sean. He was the most happiest boys in the world and never wanted to take a chance to look at the ugliness within this world. When I went to pick him up from school he was hit by a car and died instantly. No one in this world can ever tell me pain will eventually fade because today has been a year and the pain has never left.
"Thank you." I felt a couple of tears fall from my down sad eyes.
"It's okay my doll. I miss him too. Here I have a new book for you." He tired to cheer me up, which I appreciate with all my heart, but it failed.
"I think I am going to go to my room." I walked in and smashed on my comfy bed. I opened up the very back of my book to see what message my pa wrote me this time. Every book I have gotten he has written a small message to me about life. I hope one day I will build something off of it and write him one that means something way more than my heart can ever give. I opened it and it read,
My doll,
One of the most valuable lessons in life is learning to love. Not repeatably but one that last. When I met your grandmother she was the highlight of my life. I believe she was put on this world for reason actually everyone is. Everyone has a purpose, but they don't realize what it is because they're too scared to take that risk. I know you're a smart beautiful girl and it's not me that changed your life you changed mine. Raising you was the most valuable thing and I know your father would be proud. Here's my quest for you my doll. I want you not to be afraid to love. Loving someone takes courage, effort, and trust. Something you're afraid of doing. Please overcome that. You'll be amazed by the feeling. I love you my doll.
  All yours,
I slowly closed my book and tried to understand the way that I am. I mean to like someone is natural, but to love is different.

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