Chapter 3

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The next morning, I woke up entirely late. Not even Rin and Yukio were here. It was almost noon so I decided to take a day off regular school. I'll go to cram school today though.

Walking downstairs I heard something in the kitchen. I peak around the corner to see the lights on and all of the stoves full.

"Hello?" I ask leaning over the counter. Something sprang up making me jump. "Satan's daughter?" The little demon looked me over before going to the stove and bringing me back some soup.

"Thank you." I say smiling as it came out of the kitchen and started eating with me. "It's been a while since I've ate with another full demon. Do you think you could keep my identity a secret? I don't want them finding out and I don't want my father to know I'm here."

The little demon nodded, waddling off with our trays. I take my book out of my bag before doing all of my homework. "This is boring. I need something to happen." I sighed laying my head on the table.

"Rajiki!" I spring up bumping Rin in the face. "Did you eat this lunch!?" he held three containers up making me yawn. "No." He huffed. "I'm going to find Yukio! You have a pencil stuck to your face! School starts in an hour!"

Rin ran up the stairs making me groan. "I'll just go like this." I knock the pencil off my face before walking into the kitchen and splashing water on my face and grabbing an apple off the counter.

Before I knew it, it was knocked out of my hands. "Mephisto! I was eating that!" I yell grabbing my ring off my finger and about to unleash everything when Rin and Yukio came in.

"Mephisto!" Rin's eyes latterly popped out of their sockets. "You're the one who been doing this? The one who's been cooking all of our meals for us?" Yukio asks. "No." I say sitting on the counter and drinking some water.

"I'm just filling in for a bit while Ukobach is out." I spit my water out standing up. "That's who cooked for me? Where did he go? Back to Gahena?!" Mephisto looked over at me laughing a bit.

"No, no. No need to worry. He's just out for a bit. It's seems one of you trespassed into his kitchen last night. He wasn't too happy about that." Someone was in here last night? Mephisto sat our bowls on the table.

"Demon style porridge. Sweet." I mumble sipping before pausing. "What did you use?" I ask putting the bowl down and pushing it away. It's so hot.

"I hear grandma calling!" Rin called out. "We haven't met our grandma! Whoever she is don't follow her into the light!" Yukio shouts back making me laugh. These two are great in the morning.

Later that night Rin started cleaning the kitchen. "There I put everything back to the place it was. Could you come back now?" Rin asked out loud before a fork flew by hardly missing him.

"You must have really made him mad." Rin looked over at me. "What do you know about demons?!"

"A lot more than you." I say before pans start flying at Rin making me laugh even harder than earlier.

"I can't believe you had a cook off, but I'm full now. They were all yummy." I say smiling and pushing the last dish away.


Shiemi came over the next day. We even introduced her to our new chef. They're nice to Rin and Ukobach. It makes me wonder how they'll react to me. I heard from Mephisto that on Rin's first day, Yukio threatened to blow his guts.

I'm just another demon. A dangerous one at that. It amazes me how I was allowed in this school.

"Oh, it's getting late. I should get home." Shiemi said standing up as Yukio showed her out. Rin and Ukobach waved as I smiled to her.


Screaming woke me up as I threw off the covers and ran down the stairs, ramming right into my brothers. "You heard it too?" I nod as we speed off downstairs to see an enlarged Ukobach.

"He's cooking our classmates." I point to the big pan. "I think I know what caused this."

"Take a look at that! Do you think anyone is going to tell you it's good?" Ukobach stopped the oven before the girls started talking. "All we wanted was for you to eat our lunches Yukio."

"This is your fault this time!" Rin yelled slapping Yukio's head.

"Wow my brothers are nuts." I say walking up the stairs and laughing a bit. "Brothers?" I freeze looking behind me. "Yukio. Hi." I wave smiling before going up the stairs backwards.

"How are we your brothers." Yukio held out his gun aiming it at me. My eyes widen before I sigh. "Get Rin and I'll tell you." He backed up yelling for him and as Rin came around the corner, he looked at Yukio.

"Why are you aiming at her?" Yukio looked over at Rin. "Supposedly this is our sister." I sigh sitting down on the top of the stairs. "Yes. Let's skip the details."

They look at me before it hits them. "You're Satan's daughter. I've heard of you. Rajiki Namuzaka. Your mother was Gaberella Namuzaka. She was on the council before she quit and her identity came out."

Yukio paused putting his gun down. "She was a nature demon when Satan found her. They fell in love and she followed him back to Gahena before they had a child." I nod crossing my ankles and leaning back.

"Yep. That's me. The first daughter of Satan. I didn't expect such a warm greeting to your younger sister." Rin walked towards me making me stand up. "Now that you mention it, you do look like Yukio and I a bit."

"If you don't mind, I'm going to bed. Have any questions, ask the idiot who made me come here in turn for my secret staying a secret." I walk up the stairs before Rin talked. "That's what you meant by doing the same thing I would've done."

I turn back around to look at him. "Yeah. I burnt the inside of the reapers mouth. Most demon's hate me so I'm trying to keep a low key. So, don't say anything if you could. Night."


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