Chapter 4

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"Listen up. Summer break is almost a month and a half away. But before that you'll be taking the exwrie examines." Oh great.

"I want you to keep in mind that once you're promoted to exwrie, you'll be subjected to more combat training. This test won't be easy, so we'll be offering a week long boot camp next week." Yukio held up papers before passing them out.

"This isn't mandatory but please say if you're going to participate or not and put down which meister you want to be. Turn these in by Monday." Yukio went back to doing work.

"So, what's a meister? Can you please tell me?" Rin asked Bon and I listened in. I may know a lot about demons and how to kill them, but I never really paid attention who did it. They're all killers to me.

"It's a qualification that's given to you to show you standings. There are five meisters in total." Konekomaru looked up at Rin happily explaining it.

So, there's five clubs for murders to join. Knight who fight with mostly swords. Dragoons, the ones who use guns mostly. Tamer who uses demons for their dirty work. Aria's who recite from the bible to take down demons. And lastly, Doctors who treat medical wounds easily.

I could choose any of them except a Doctors position. I've never been good with saving things other than a flower patch. That wasn't human.

I think I'll do a Knight and a Dragoon.

My ring can summon a bow-sword. The Devil's Fang is what it was called. It used to be my fathers until he started using his summoning's a lot.

"Do not call me Bon!" Bon yelled at Rin making me laugh as I fill out the form before the bell rings.

Mr. Neuhaus came in telling us to gather around the front as he started drawing a magic circle. Demon summoning.

"Now summoning demons. To do that you need a drop of your blood and a suitable indication." Mr. Neuhaus dropped blood on the magic circle before saying his verses. Wind came out of the circle before something started forming.

No way.

"Is that a Naberius?" I nod to Konekomaru as Bon looked at me. "I've never seen one." I have. There are a lot in Gahenna.

"Summoning a demon as a familiar is a rare trait. Not everyone is capable. To tame a demon, you need a strong will and unshakable nerve. Today I'm going to test you all to see which of you have this power." Mr. Neuhaus said grabbing the paper out of his coat.

"Take out your miniature version of the magic circle. Place a drop of blood on it, and chant whatever comes to mind.'' I look down at my paper. Should I even try? Will summoning something give me away?

No! It shouldn't. Anyone can summon. I'll just have to be careful. What do I say?

'Always use a verse to make them not recognize you.' I recall my mother saying that one time.

Izumo has summoned one and so had Shiemi. "You're the only one who hasn't tried." I look over at the teacher before poking my finger. I don't want to do this.

"For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns humble with salvation." I say before a real fire bird came out. "A Phoenix. Nicely done." I breath out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

I'm so glad the fire was red, not blue, but then again, my flames are red instead of blue. That's thanks to my mother. For once I'm grateful.

"Now we know which of you can summon. If you lack will power, the demon will turn on you. If you feel in danger, tear up the paper and the demon will disappear.

"That's all for today." Our teacher walked out as I tear up the paper and pack my bag. I'll have to make more.

"Hey." I look up to see Bon rubbing the back of his head. "Hi." He looks around before sighing. "Can I walk you?" I gasp a bit before laughing. "I thought you hated me. Sure." He smiles before holding out his hand.

"Are you Ryuji or a demon?" He grumbles something before taking my bag from me. "Shut up." I giggle before crossing my hands and walking outside.

"So, what changed?" I ask looking over at him. "I realized that you're not that bad." He smiled a bit. My face heated up a bit. "I never told you thank you for saving me the other day. I wasn't that high but, I probably could have gotten a bruise."

"It was nothing. If you fell, I would've too." I punched him on the shoulder. "Jerk! You couldn't come up with something else?" We laughed a bit before I look over at him. "You're not that bad either Ryuji."

"Call me Bon."


"It's ticking me off that Shiemi is letting Pokka- Brows use her as an errend girl." Rin was sitting down while Yukio and I were standing up.

Yukio still wasn't fawned of me. He's already been to talking to Mephisto about me. It doesn't really bother me much. People have always done that.

"I agree with you. It makes me wonder why she hasn't said no yet." I look off at the sunset frowning. "What's wrong with you?" Yukio asks looking over at me. "A little homesick." I respond as our classmates walk into our view.

"Good morning. Your class has arrived." Renzo says smiling while the others are looking at our dorm. "Seriously? This place looks like a place out of a horror movie." Bon says before looking over at me and smiling.

"Oh. I couldn't agree more. There were screams heard the other night, but no one was found." They freak out and Bon's smile is wiped away. Rin is laughing with me, but Yukio looks like he's going to murder me.

"Really did you have to say that?" Bon grabs the front of my shirt before laughing a bit. "Oh, get over it." I smack his hand away.

That's when Izumo gave Shiemi her bag. Rin growled as I shook my head.

"Alright everyone. Please pick any room on this level. When you're settled in, please meet me in the study room." Yukio led everyone up to the 5th floor before they scattered. "At least they'll be away from me and I won't have to hear their screams."

"Rajiki." Yukio shook his head as I sighed. "Fine. I'll stop." I walked down to the study room before finding a spot to sit. Soon everyone was here.

"We'll be taking a test. You have 30 minutes to complete it." I sweat drop looking at the paper. This is advance stuff I didn't learn until two years ago. Am I going to have to start paying attention now?

"What's wrong Rajiki?" Bon looked over at me as I flipped him off. He smirked looking at the paper before he went blue. "Finally snap out of it?"

"Quite please." Yukio looked up from his book. I sighed marking my answers down before getting to the last one. 'What is a demon's weakness? Name one.'

I could answer this question with millions of things. People don't understand that us demons have the same weaknesses as them. If humans don't get enough vitamin C, their bodies don't function. If we demons form Gehana don't get enough vitamins, our body start to react to it.

We're just the same.

Instead of people trying to get along with demons, they put charms and spells on them to ban them back to Gehana, but little do they know, that's not where they go. It kills them right there.

Families are broken up because of humans!


I wrote down something random and turned my paper over before slamming my pencil down. "I'll be back." I say as my voice leaked anger. I'm losing my composer.

Once the door is shut, I climb up into the windowsill. I'll stay here until the test is over. Maybe it will help for me to cool off.

I lean on the window looking out. After a few seconds, steam started to fog up the windows.

That's how worked up I got.

I almost lost my human form.


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