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Naruto pov
I woke up and did my daily routine except today my family was up early sitting at the table eating something my mom made. There were only three chairs because I wasn't family to them I cant believe they haven't kicked me out yet. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and picked up my backpack next to the door. I decided to listen to what was so funny and I heard something that hurt a lot "why didn't that monster die at birth?"...Kyubi said brother, we use to be really close and we use to adore each other to death and he protected me when kids picked on me until that day...
We were around the age of 11 or 12, I got home from school and plopped down on the couch and watched tv. Soon I heard the door slam and Kyubi stormed over to me and yelled "because of you I get picked on and because of you I lost all my friends close to me!" I looked up at him confused.

"Dont look at me like that!" He shouted "I-i didn't do anything though..." I said confused and hurt.

He beat me up that and dad avoided it. I was nothing to any of them...
-flashback end-

"Get out of my way you piece of dirt." Kyubi said sneering at me. I just left with my backpack over my shoulder and started my long walk to school looking down. Just my luck it started to rain.

I started to cry, I loved any attention even if it was as simple as a pat on the head. my tears blended into the rain and I only had a thin sweatshirt on that only covered my scars and did nothing to warm me at all. Soon the coldness of the rain and the exhaustion of my long night only having an hour of sleep before waking up, I collapsed, hitting my head on the pavement knocking me out instantly.

Kyubi pov (ooooooo~)
I swear Naruto will be the death of me. I loved him dearly and knew what he did physically. It broke my heart that I hated him, I wanted to be there for him but I can't even look at him without wanting to hurt him so I stay away. I want my brother back but we have three seats in our kitchen for the reason being that my parents hated him because of me, because I spread a few rumors as a kid that went too far as to take his family away from him.

All i said was he was gay and was a monster in middle school thinking it will only make him come crying to me for help so I could be his big brother and save him. But what an idiot I was for getting mad because some kid made fun of me for being his brother. I didnt help him in time as the next day he walked in the house with his head down, he went right to his room and all I heard that day from his room were his sobs. I wanted to go in there and calm him but his door was locked and after i flipped at him I knew he wouldn't want to speak to me the last time we spoke was the day I flipped out at him and he only said "I didn't do anything..." And that was in a sad tone he looked so broken and i even beat him up because anger got the best of me now I ruined his life I want to hear his bubbly voice.

I miss his smile even when someone was mean he would smile and be playful and pout saying they were mean, I miss the big sparkly sky blue eyes when he was happy, i miss everything and now all I see is his frown, pale skin, his eyes are a dull blue and so sad and it always looks like he has been recently crying, he has bags under his eyes and I miss him...I want my baby brother...

I drove towards work which is near Naru-chan's school. I saw something on the sidewalk, I pulled up next to the lump on the ground. I got out of my car and saw shaggy blond hair, a grey, thin sweatshirt, and skinny jeans. Rain just poured down on us. I grabbed an umbrella from the back seat and put it over me and the body.

I shook the person. Nothing. Again. Nothing. I turned the person over to see blood leaking out of his head staining his shaggy blond hair and pale face but soon my eyes widened in pure fear and shock...I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. A lady picked up and got me an ambulance on its way "keep talking and tell me if anything happens." The lady said into the phone "okay..." I mumbled holding his head into my lap and curling his legs so he will stay fully under the umbrella "do you know the boy?" The lady asked "yes..." I said keeping him close to me as tears rolled down my face "what's his name and is he related to you in any way?"

"Naruto...and yes, he is my brother..."

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