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Naruto pov
I woke up and got ready and soon walked downstairs almost ready I see Kyuubi hand me a piece of toast

"eat..." He mumbled awkwardly

Is he done with me being alive and wants to poison me?! Oh god should I eat something from a traitor brother who wouldnt care if I died or should I throw it out into the bushes for the bugs and birds to eat instead?! What if he is being nice abd like him can't just wake up one morning and realize they have to love their brother that they hurt...people as sick as him don't change...right?

I looked up at his tall figure compared to my short and I'm sure fat figure conpared to his tall and sexy figure...

My frown deepened and I looked away.

I then up and left to school. I ran down the sidewalk hoping to be early so I don't run into someone I don't want to run into.

I slowed and looked around and out of the corner of my eye I see Hinata run up to me.

"Naruto, today is the day, are you feeling better in any way and did you eat?"

"Much better thank you" I said avoiding the question if I was eating properly because I dont eat at all I am fat I was told by my own parents I dont deserve to eat because I need to lose own parents told me I was fat. No one effects me more than the ones I live with. So I decided eating wasn't good if I'm too fat. ((A.N. If you ever fat shame I will kill you and if you're chubby you're beautiful and love yourself starving yourself is not the answer ever anyone dealing with this stay strong m8 dont let anyone bring you down❤))

we finally got to scholl I looked up nervously. I am just going to avoid Sasuke today...double trouble.

If Sasuke or Sakura are hinata's friend my life is over and I will stay home and be alone forever and die with 100 cats...

I walked into the school legs shaking


Its now lunch I have avoided Sasuke and I am dreading meeting her friends I'm just nervous...

"Come one you can't h-hide in that shell forever" Hinata said. Her voice has gotten less shy and a bit louder and jokey.

"Lets go" I mumbled nervously. You know when you're so nervous your heart sinks and drops and then pangs and you feel sick and almost dizzy? Yeah, thats me right now.

I walk towards the lunch room quietly, getting the typical whispers about me as I walk with Hinata also known I guess as the most innocent girl in the school...I'm nerve wrecked..

I walked into the lunch room, legs shaking. Hinata squeezed me hand and ran towards a table...the popular one...........

Everyone looked at me with disgust or questioning looks on their faces...Sasuke and Sakura looked at me...the populars all stared...dammit Hinata say something

"Oh! This is Naruto i-isnt he precious?" Hinata squeezed me cheeks practically being adored by the sight of me...but why? I'm ugly...

Everyone laughed and finally Sasuke broke my heart with words "that suicidal shit?! How can you stand the sight of that faggy monster?! Hinata are you blind?! He is a monster! Monster I tell you," he went around the table and pushed me away from her "you probably brainwashed and took advantage of her kind soul she wouldnt befriend you of all people baka!" He yelled in my face and grabbed a lunch tray and threw it all over me...I have a crush on him no seeing that made tears spill over. I ran last hearing Hinata screaming and yelling and then a bang of a lunch tray.

I was too shocked and upset to turn back and see what happened. I ran through the corridors and soon into a janitors closet.

There I sobbed and screamed not caring if anyone heard outside the door. I did nothing to him and I didnt deserve that. Yes you did. You deserve all of it.

I cried harder. My sobs echoed on the walls. I soon heard a click and looked up to see...


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