Chapter 9

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So the day after Jay and I kissed, he pretended like it never happened and we went back to being besties. I didn't know how to react to that because I've never kissed or been intimate with a guy so I chose not to acknowledge it either and swept it under the rug. I mean I didn't really know how to be a girlfriend anyway so it wasn't anything that I was looking for. It did make me feel a certain way for a while but maybe he's doesn't really like me. I'm confused.

Jay: Can I come in Houston?

Bey: It depends on who it is.

Jay: Aye, stop play-

He was saying as he opened to the door. He stopped when he realized that I was only in my panties and bra.

Jay: Damn! Wow uh my bad. I'll come back in a minute.

Bey: Come in and close the door before everyone sees me.

Jay: What?

Bey: Come in and hurry up.

He came in and closed the door behind him. He sat on my bed as I was moisturizing my body.

Bey: So, what's up?

Jay: Bey, you're distracting me.

Bey: You're acting like you've never seen the female body before.

Jay: Not like yours.

Bey: Wait, what's that supposed to mean? Are you calling me fat?

Jay: What? No, you're far from fat. Just really developed for your age.

Bey: So that's a compliment?

Jay: Well yeah.

Bey: I'll take it.

Jay: Well, I just came to tell you that I signed up to take my GED. So, I'll be doing that and going to work.

Bey: That's so great. When do you start?

Jay: Next month. I'm gonna need you to help me study.

Bey: You can make an appointment like all of my other clients.

Jay: I'm your best friend. Not a client.

Bey: What's that supposed to mean?

He pulled me between his legs and started placing kisses on my abs.

Jay: It means I get special privileges.

He dipped his tongue in my belly button.

Bey: Ssss w-what are you doing?

Jay: Nothing.

His hands made their way to my butt as his tongue made it's way to my lower abdomen region. He sucked on it and I shuttered. I was getting all horny.

Bey: Stoppppppp..

I didn't really want him to stop but we needed to stop.

He kept doing it and I couldn't help but moan. Then he squeezed and slapped my ass which made me shrill. He removed his lips and chuckled a little.

Jay: You're not ready for all of that.

Bey: Why'd you do that?

I asked while covering my face. I was somewhat embarrassed and I was blushing.

Jay: Because I wanted to.

Bey: Well now I'm horny so can you get out?

Jay: Yeah, let me leave before you rape me.

Bey: You ain't even all that.

Jay: Them wet panties saying otherwise.

Bey: Out now!

Jay: Awwww lil Houston embarrassed now?

Bey: Bye Shawn.

Jay: Aight, can we hang when I get back though?

Bey: Where are you going?

Jay: Aaliyah wants to meet up.

Bey: Really? You agreed to that?

Jay: I mean yeah. Why not?

Bey: I thought the baby wasn't yours?

Jay: She's actually not sure. But I don't want the baby to end up being mine and I wasn't there.

Bey: I guess.

Jay: Bey, what are you thinking?

Bey: I'm thinking what kind of woman doesn't know who the father of her child is?

Jay: Everyone can't be perfect like you, Beyoncé.

Bey: I've never claimed to be perfect. I'm far from it.

Jay: But yet you're sitting here turning your nose up at Aaliyah without knowing the full story.

Bey: What more do I need to know other than she was sexually active with more one guy in a short amount of time?

Jay: Bey, knock it off. I'm forreal.

Bey: She still has you in your feelings, I see.

Jay: You know what? I'm not about to do this with you.

Bey: The door is right there.

Jay: I know where the fucking door is. What's up with the attitude?

Bey: I don't have an attitude but you clearly have a problem with me telling you the truth regarding Aaliyah.

Jay: She needs me Bey.

Bey: Go talk to her then.

Jay: This conversation is pointless. Are we still on for tonight.

Bey: Nope.

Jay: Bey, I'm serious.

Bey: I am too. I have a date later?

Jay: A date? With who?

I just ignored him. After asking a series of questions and not receiving any answers, he finally got the hint and left.

I can't lie and say I didn't feel a certain way about him and Aaliyah. As bad as it sounds, I'm still secretly hoping that the baby isn't his. I don't know why. I don't think I have feelings for him but having Aaliyah back in his life and a baby, he probably won't have time for me anymore.

The thought made me kind of sad but I guess that means I should start finding other things to do with my time.

AN: I know this is short but I'm finally done with school and have some free time on my hands. Just wanted to know you if guys were still interested in this story. Let me know.

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