Chapter IV

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                                             CHAPTER IV - My Little Little Girl

  "Matsuzaki-san..." He spoke.

  "Yes? What is it?" Kai curiously asked as she noticed Tokiya's reaction.

  "T-this..." He stuttered. "This is...Amazing!" He said. "How did you do this in a matter of seconds? The tune is great, but it is still a single verse. It also needs lyrics!" He commented.

  "W-well, whenever I'm excited and happy, I can't help myself from composing...It still needs a lot of work though." She replied.

  Tokiya was moved by Kai's composing abilities and he would also like to express his talent. Together, they continued composing the song.

  "So, Matsuzaki-san, where do you live anyway?" He interrupted.

  "Hmm? Me? Well, just a few blocks away from the school. How about you?" She replied while she continued composing the song.

  "A live a bit far from the school." He smiled and stole a glance of her.

  "Oh I see. But, you live with your family right?" She curiuosly asked.

  "No. I live alone."  He responded.

  "Oh. I see." She said.

  "How about you?" He returned the question.

   "Yes. But before that, I used to live with my Grandmother in the outskirts of the city. Because of her, I know how to play the piano." She giggled, looking at the notes. "She taught me how to play when I was just little. And ever since then, I never stopped playing." She added.

  "Oh I see." Tokiya smiled heartily.

  "You know what, Ichinose-san? You look better smiling rather than your usual face." She complimented. "N-not that your face is horrible, but...Its nicer seeing someone happy and smiling rather than just having a poker face all the time, right?" She scratched her head.

  "Hmmm. Is that so." Tokiya just smiled and averted his gaze.

  They continued working on the song assignment until they finished it in time before night fall. They both thanked themselves for doing such a good job. They were really satisfied with their work. But Kai noticed that there was something missing.

  "OH NO! We forgot the title! W-what would the title be, Ichinose-san?" She panicked.

  "Calm down Matsuzaki-san, I have it already in mind." He smiled again.

  "What is it?" She quickly asked.

  "Its...My Little Little Girl" He said.

  "My Little Little Girl? It sounds great. But, why that title, Ichinose-san?" Kai asked curiously.

  "You'll see..." Tokiya chuckled and patted her head. "Let's go home?" He suggested. Kai pouted for a moment but then she nodded and went home.

  Morning came and the entire school was buzzing. It was already time for the song assignment to be performed. Kai was usually late and rushed immediately to the academy's studio where she found Tokiya already preparing for their assignment and Hyuuga-sensei crossing his arms, glaring at her.

  "Goodluck, Ichinose-san!" She curled her palms around her mouth and whispered to Tokiya, patting his shoulder for luck at the same time. Tokiya just nodded at her, put on the headphones and went in the recording room immediately.

  Kai was requested to go out of the recording room for Tokiya to start on his performance. The "Recording" sign lit up and Kai just stood beside Hyuuga-sensei watching Tokiya attentively. Then, the music started playing. When it was already Tokiya's cue, he started singing.

  "With just one step, such a step changes everything..." He sang.

  Hyuuga-sensei, along with the other teachers and mentors of the academy were also listening to him attentively. Suddenly, Hyuuga-sensei immediately ceased Tokiya's performance. The moderator stopped the music and Tokiya stopped singing as well. Kai and Tokiya were shocked. They looked at him. Hyuuga-sensei had a really serious face.

"S-sensei...?" Kai whispered to Hyuuga-sensei.

[To be continued...]

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