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signs as harry quotes

aries - i can make you girlfriend scream louder than you ever could just by pressing her follow button
taurus - i don't mind getting a black eye or a broken arm for my girl as long as she's there to kiss it after
gemini - tall girls are hot, little girls are cuties
cancer - i don't think you can really define love
leo - a dream is only a dream until you decide to make it real
virgo - i feel like when people label people as famous they take away a lot of substance that they have as a person
libra - age is just a number maturity is a choice
scorpio - i grew up with my sister so i respect women a lot
sagittarius - i'm just lucky my last name isn't balls
capricorn - i've always wanted my girlfriend to lay her head down in my lap... not like that!
aquarius - a real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real
pisces - my worst habit is getting naked all the time


yeah he gets naked with louis ;)) im sorry i became a larry shipper about a month or so ago okay bye

One Direction ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora