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signs as louis quotes

aries - "NO!" Jimmy protested.
taurus - I like girls who eat carrots
gemini - in my first video diary I explained my love for women who have a taste in carrots. since then I've received plenty of carrots. and now, I also have a keenest interest in women who like lamborghinis
cancer - thank you for putting up with our immaturity
leo - if you want to do something go for it, you've got nothing to lose
virgo - live for the moment because everything else is uncertain
libra - live fast, have fun, be a bit mischievous
scorpio - you may not be plastic but you're fantastic
sagittarius - feel free to insult me but you don't have the right to insult our fans
capricorn - it's incredible to have people show their support when your doing something you love
aquarius - we're not perfect, we're not clean cut, we're just trying to be ourselves
pisces - my ideas for the future? to take over the world


i love louis quotes

- nat

One Direction ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora