Lost Words

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Thomas Jefferson sat at the table tapping his fingers impatiently. The man he was meeting with was a supposed popular detective. With luck this guy could help him. He sipped at the glass of water when someone sat down In front of him. "Are you Thomas?" he asked quietly. This man had a trench coat and fedora. The stereotypical detective shit. Thomas caught a glimpse of his face. My god he was gorgeous. "Yes.." Jefferson answered with the same tone the man across from him used. The man slid a card towards him "I'm James Madison. I'm a detective as you already know..". Jefferson nodded as Madison continued "I do murder, theft. Anything actually". "Well do I have a case for you" Jefferson said as he pulled a picture out of his pocket. "Something from me was stolen a week ago. My prized quill. It's worth millions for the tip is gold..I never use it. I pray to God the thief hasn't used it".
James picked up the picture and nodded "Take me to the place where it was stolen".
Thomas led him through an alleyway into the door. The two where in the back of a popular club. Thomas went up a flight of stairs and into a small room. In the room there was all sorts of trinkets. Some worth even more than the quill. Madison looked around "There is a lot of valuable items in here..." "I know! I a lot of things..I was wondering why they would steal the quill instead of everything else..". Madison nodded. No reasons popped into his head but this was only the beginning. Thomas glanced back at Madison. James was looking around the room for clues. While he was doing that Jefferson opened a desk. Inside was a gun, condoms, lube and a note. Jefferson didn't remember putting a note in there. He picked it up quietly before gasping.

Golden Words (Thomas Jefferson x James Madison)Where stories live. Discover now