Chapter Fifty Six - Ugly

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Someone is singing. His voice is smooth and really good.

Dara refused to open her eyes. She listened carefully.

I can't hear the words but he has a good voice.

I've heard that voice before.

He sounds like Taeyang.

Yeah, Taeyang's butt is nice.

With that thought in mind, Dara woke up with a start.


She got up and left the bed only to fall on it again.

Aw! My head hurts like hell!

What happened last night?

And why did I dream of Taeyang's butt?

Yuck! That is so gross!

What happened?

Oh, yeah. The alcohol.

Dara checked herself. She's still wearing her own clothes and she doesn't feel anything weird except for the headache.

Good. If he tried to do anything bad to me, I'm gonna beat him to death!

She rested for a few minutes before she got up again. This time, her headache is much bearable.

She walked towards the open window and looked out. The beautiful sunshine greeted her and the cold morning air brushed her face.

Feels better.

She inhaled the sweet smell of flowers from outside. As she looked down the garden, she saw Taeyang squatting on the ground, tending some flowers.

He does gardening?

He looks so simple. He doesn't look like the playboy he is.

He looks different.

Or maybe I am just drunk.

Right. I'm just drunk.

She pulled away from the window and went to the bathroom. She was about to wash her face when she noticed that there's no mirror by the sink.

There was a mirror here when I used the restroom yesterday.

And besides...

She traced the dark outline on the wall. Obviously, something was removed from it.

That's weird.

Dara shrugged off the thought and continued her morning ritual. As soon as she's done, she went out of the bathroom and stared out the window again. The sun is higher now and the heat is already painful on the skin. Still, Taeyang is working on the garden.

Is he crazy?

His skin will definitely get burned.

Well, he's rich. He can have his skin fixed in no time.

She sat on the bed and noticed a note on the bedside table. Beside it, there's a medicine and a glass of water.

Drink this. It will ease your headache. Just don't forget to eat breakfast right after. The note said.

How thoughtful of him.

Dara took the medicine and left the room.

He's acting so kind.

He's weird.

However, I should thank him. I can't remember what happened last night but I'm pretty sure I messed up.

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