Phil's POV

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We laughed together for minutes on end, my head in a dizzying spin of all the times that Dan had shown signs that I never read: suddenly, it was all clear as crystal.

Taking deep breaths to regain control, I gazed into his criminally beautiful eyes, and posed the question once more.

"So, Daniel Howell," I laughed, trying hard not to laugh again. "You must answer me this time." I grinned, "don't go hospitalising yourself again!" I let out another laugh, which would be called a nervous one usually... but I wasn't nervous, or scared, or anxious. I was so in love with the boy in front of me that I felt invincible, strong, like I could never feel fear again. "May I ask for your hand, so I may hold it for eternity?"
"You can have my hand," he laughed, holding it out to me. I held it, squeezed it, and slid the circle of gold onto his fourth finger. He laughed and, after a quizzical look from me, explained: "you were supposed to wear this one," nodding at the ring. "Let me get mine."
He slid off the bed and to the dresser. He tugged the drawer open and returned with an identical box, and removed a similar but silver ring. I held out my own hand and felt the cool metal collide with my warm skin. It was a new feeling, having a ring, but I was fully ready to adjust to it.

"Wait, Phil, what about Cat!?" His eyes were wide, scared, and I could see in them that he had that feeling of being stabbed in the gut.
"I was on the phone yesterday, wasn't I? To her. She knows, we're good. It's fine, Dan"

This was it.
Engaged to the one I really love.
Phillip Lester - Howell. Soon to be.

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