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chris' house wasn't much different from my own. it had the same layout, his mum and dad were both cheerful and he had a younger sibling.

"lucy!" his little sister shouted as she ran towards me.

"hi abby" i picked up the six year old and smiled at her.

"you look really pretty" she said.

"oh um thanks abby, but i'll never be as pretty as you" i poked her nose and she giggled.

"abby leave her alone" chris said with a laugh.

i put the small girl down and followed chris into the living room where his parents were.

"mum, dad, lucy's going to stay the night. bye" he tried to leave but his mum stopped him.

"not that i have a problem with lucy, but you know our rule with girls sleeping over christopher."

"there's no need to worry mrs cole, i have a boyfriend so nothing is going to happen. plus, we're working together on a project that's going to take a while so we figured it would be easier if i just stayed over" i lied.

"oh okay, if it's for school then who am i to stop it. have fun kids" she let us go up to chris' room after that.

when we got there i stretched out on chris' bed while he sat on a desk chair.

"you're a scarily good lier, even i started to believe you."

"you learn how to cover up anything after you've been lying for four years." i said with a thrown.

"no. we did not come here so that you could thrown all night. we are going to do something fun."

"oh yeah, like what?" i smirked.

"paint each others nails and give each other make overs"

"how did i not realise you're gay" i said as we both laughed.

"you learn how to cover anything up after you've been lying for four years." he said, repeating my previous words.

"hush chris. do you have any alcohol? there's a lot i want to forget."

"you're not going to drink away your problems lucy. and i don't want to deal with you when you're hungover"

"ugh fine, poop face"

"booty breath"

"that'll be you after you have alone time with noah" i said with a smirk and a wink.

"shut up" chris said with a laugh as he threw a cushion at me.

"don't deny it. we all know you want it to happen" i laughed as i defended myself with his blanket.

"deny what?" we both looked at the door and saw a confused six year old holding a cushion.

"chris thinks that mulan is better than frozen. which is not true because frozen wins every time." i lied.

"frozen wins!" abby said loudly.

"see chris, abby knows what's up" i said childishly as i stuck my tongue out.

"abby go see what's for dinner" chris said.

"okay" she said as she walked out of the room.

we sat in silence for a few minutes before i spoke up.

"why do you like noah?"

"what do you mean?"

"you know what i mean. he's homophobic and an asshole, why would you have a crush on him?"

"i don't know, he's funny and kind to me. he's always up for random walks or to just chill. he has stunning green eyes and his hair is so floppy and adorable. when it's just me and him, he-he's different. he's so much nicer-" he was cut off by his dad.

"what do you mean he son." his dad said sternly.

"oh um nothing" chris sounded so defenseless.

"don't tell me you're one of them. my own son." his dad said in disgust.

"dad i-i can explain. please just-"

"you're a disgusting fag, aren't you" the older man spat at his son with a pointed finger.

"sir stop." i said, angry at the way he was treating chris.

"lucy go home, please." chris begged me.

"no chris."

"get out of here girl" his dad said to me.

i sighed and gave chris a sad smile. i didn't want to leave but his dad scared me and i figured chris would only get into more trouble if i stayed. i decided to wait outside the house, hoping that chris would give me a sign of him being okay.

after ten minutes i was about to leave but chris came storming out of the house with tears streaming down his face and a rucksack full of clothes.

"oh my god chris" i rushed towards him and pulled him in for a hug.

"he kicked me out lucy. my own father kicked me out" he sobbed into my shoulder. "i have nowhere to go. i've lost my family and i don't know what to do anymore" he said, beginning to choke on his own sobs.

"calm down chris, you can stay with me. my parents won't mind and you can stay for as long as you want. it'll work out in the end, i promise" i pulled back from the hug and held his hand, leading him towards my house.

i unlocked the door and took him straight up to my room. after a few minutes my parents walked in, confused as to why i was home and why i had a crying boy next to me.

"honey we thought you were staying at chris' house tonight?" my mum said in confusion.

"there was a change of plan" i turned to chris "can i tell them, i promise they'll accept you." i waited for him to nod before i turned back to my parents. "chris' dad found out that chris was gay because he over heard us talking and flipped his shit. he kicked chris out so i said he could stay here."

"oh god sweetheart stay as long as you like." my mum said as she rushed to chris and smothered him in hugs and forehead kisses.

"chris" we all looked at my dad who hadn't spoken until now, chris looking more anxious than me and my mum combined "don't listen to whatever your dad said to you, he's a homophobic ass. stay here for as long as you like, don't feel like you're intruding. if anything, we need the extra set of hands in the house." my dad smiled at chris.

"thank you so much mr and mrs hale, i'm so thankful for this."

"now go to sleep,it's late and i'm sure we're all very tired."


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