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"well shit. i wasn't expecting that" noah said, breaking the silence that had fallen upon us.

"i'm gonna go after him" cassie said, grabbing her shoes.

"no cass. he's a bad person. lucy already got sucked in and i don't want the same to happen to you." chris said, holding onto her arm.

"yes he's fucked up but that doesn't make him a bad person. he's broken and he's been hurt. haven't we all been assholes at some point, haven't we all fucked up?" she argued, pulling her arm back.

"yeah but-" cass cut chris off.

"there's no but chris. we've all given each other second chances. maxxie is the only one who's never fucked up before so isn't it only right that we give him a second chance." 

"why are you such a good person cass?" chris sighed in defeat.

"i know what it's like to be hurt and broken. i know what it's like to be treated as if you meant nothing to anyone. because of that i do my best to make sure the people i love never have to feel like that" after that cassie walked out too, shoes still in hand.

"we're so fucked up" i said, finally making a noise.

"how so?" noah asked.

"i'm anorexic and barely recovering, chris you got kicked out of his house, maxxie is broken and it might be too late to fix him, noah you could barely accept being gay and cassie seems to be more fucked then all of us combined." i explained.

"i guess your right..." chris trailed off.

"what do we do now?" noah asked "i mean, maxxie probably hates us all besides cassie."

"we wait. we hope he doesn't do anything stupid before cass can find him." i answered.

"what do you mean stupid?" chris questioned.

"i probably shouldn't tell you this but i guess it doesn't matter now since everything's been saying whatever is on their minds recently. do you remember when me we were fifteen, me and maxxie had only been together for about a month" i waited for the couple to nod their heads before i continued "good, do you remember the time maxxie was off school for like a month?" they nodded again "well he attempted suicide. his dad beat him and i guess it all got too much for him to handle. he tried to overdose but he did it before i was meant to go to his house. i found him throwing all the pills back up. he told me not to tell you guys and not to call an ambulance so i didn't." i stared straight in front of me the whole time i spoke.

"shit i've fucked up" chris exclaimed, pulling at his hair.

"babe calm down, i'm sure he'll be alright. everything always works out right?" noah said trying to comfort chris, although it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more.

"what if he tries it again noah. what if he fucking kills himself. it'll be my fault. i pushed him over the edge. fuck i'm such an asshole" tears started to fall down chris' face.

"babe, please don't cry. it'll be okay-" noah stopped talking when my phone rang.

"it's cassie." i said before answering.

"lucy help me. i think i'm too late and i don't know what to do. he said to call you so i did and fuck i can't do this" she choked on her own sobs as she spoke.

"cass take a breath and tell me where you are." i said standing up and and opening the door. i mouthed maxxie to chris before leaving.

"i-i'm at the park. by the play area, where we usually go. please hurry." she said desperately.

"i'm on my way now cass. what did he do?" i questioned. trying to keep her talking so that i wouldn't be alone with my thoughts.

"i went to his house but his mum said he wasn't there so i went to the park. i went straight to where we usually go and i found him but oh god lucy i was so scared. he had slices all across his wrists and there was so much blood on the floor."

i started to run. this was worse than the last time.

"how is he doing now cass?" i said quickly.

"i wrapped his arms in cloth from my top but they got soaked in seconds. oh god lucy i can barely keep his eyes open."

"i'm by the entrance cass, i'll be there in a minute." i hung up and ran even faster. only now realising i had forgotten to put on shoes before leaving my house

when i saw maxxie and cassie my heart broke. maxxie looked so pale and weak while cassie cried harder than i've ever seen her cry before.

i pulled out my phone and called for an ambulance, telling them that someone would wait by the park gate to show them the way.

"cass go wait by the park gate. an ambulance will be here soon and you'll need to show them how to get here."

"i can't leave him lucy"

"cassie i can handle it. i've dealt with him like this before and i know what to do. now go and wait." i told her sternly.

she nodded before shakily running to the gate.

"why maxxie? you were doing so well." i said with tears forming in my eyes.

i took the ripped strips of a t-shirt off his arms and replaced them with my jumper. knowing it would soak up the blood better. 

"fuck you went deep this time" 

"i-i so s-sorry lucy" he whispered weakly.

"don't be sorry max. i forgive you. the doctors will fix up your arms and we can all go back to normal. chris and noah can be a happy couple, cass will go back to her cheerful nosey self, me and you can get back together. it'll be like the good old days. i'll even eat normally." i said with fake enthusiasm and a broken laugh. the tears covering my cheeks.

"n-no. i wa-nt to go" he whispered, sounding weaker with every word.

"no maxxie. you don't get to make that choice. you go when you're old and married and you have a family to say goodbye to you. you can go then, but not now. you can't go now" i whispered back.

"i'm sorry" he whispered before his eyes shut.

"maxxie? maxxie wake up" i shook him slightly. "maxxie please don't do this, we need you! i need you!" i raised my voice, not caring if people heard me.

lucy came back with the doctors but i knew it was too late.

maxxie was already gone. 


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