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As we walked into our house with our newly born baby, I took a step towards a new life. New wife. New house. New baby. Time for a fresh start, and time to forget about being a demigod. Sure we have great adventures to tell Zoë, but we have her to think about now, so no more distractions. No more "Oh honey, I'm off to save the world again, might not be back but keep rooting for me!" business. And you know something? I'm okay with leaving all of that. I've done enough saving the world that could fill a lifetime, and also that could've ENDED my life time. I'm just saying. Anyway!
When we walk up the stairs to the spare room, Annabeth turns to me,
"You can't be serious."
Oh Zeus, what did I do this time....
"You still haven't cleared out the spare room Percy! I told you to do this 4 WEEKS AGO. Now the baby has no where to sleep!"
"Sorry, um, I'll do it now..."
Okay so it's gonna take a bit more time getting used to this than I thought.
I looked around at the spare room sighing. Old swords, spears, shields (including aegis, Annabeth's shield with medusas head on), and the actual medusa head cluttered the room. I still keep Riptide in my pocket just in case of any emergency. Hey! It still can happen. Just because the worlds gone all quiet of evil, doesn't mean someone isn't planning anything. I'm just saying. Anyway!
I decide to call in some reinforcements.
"Tyson, Grover, Thalia! Bring the hunters! You all need to bring paint, decorations, preferably baby-proof etc etc..."
"Um why?" Thalia said,
"Just get over here! Code red emergency!" I reply.
They all arrive at my door within half an hour. I love my friends I think, while I'm leading them up to Zoë's room.
"So what's the big emergency?" Grover asks.
"Seriously Seaweed brain? I call my hunters out for this?" Thalia complains.
Hmm time for plan B...
"I'll be right back!" I say.
I shoot off to the living room where Annabeth is holding Zoë, and gently scoop her up.
"Does this little face make you want to do it? She's just a helpless baby, who doesn't have anywhere to live, Auntie Thalia." I say. Zoë looks up at Thalia with her big blue eyes, which of course helps greatly.
"Aweeee. Fine Seaweed brain, but we're doing this for... Um.. Zoë, not you!"
Thalia still gets upset when she hears Zoë's name. It's still really weird seeing Thalia looking exactly the same as she did when she was 15, but I guess you get used to it.
I look around at all my friends painting and fixing and clearing boxes and I thank Poseidon for having them all to be as great as they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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