A New Big Brother

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"Ah.. Deidara...?"

You opened your eyes, and all was pitch black in the darkness. It wasn't colorful like earlier. Could it be that you fell into the toy box? You did hear Sasori's voice before disappearing...

You dusted yourself off and thought about walking in mannequins and blue dolls to find Deidara. And of course, you'd find him, since he was pushed in with you. You walked upon him lying face down like a fisherman would do with fish. Slapped on the table.

"Deidara... Wake up..." 

"Hng... [name]? [name]!"

Deidara looked up and pushed himself off the floor to see your face a bit pale. He was relieved to see you tell him you were fine.

"Yosh! Let's get out of here, [name]! Un." 



Meanwhile, you picked up a pink key that may help in escaping, and you hear a voice.

"Is this for me?"

You and Deidara turn to see Sasori with a bored, yet surprised face as a blue doll handed him a red rose. That red rose was yours!


"Oh? [name]. Deidara. Did you find what you were looking for?" 

"Danna. Why do you have [name]'s rose? Give it back! Un." 

"What are you saying? I just got it as a gift. Of course, [name] if you want it, I'll give it back. But.." 


"You should trade Deidara's rose to get yours back [name].."

You looked in horror as Sasori held your rose delicately in his wooden hands, his fingers plucking a petal off.

"Alright! I'll trade my rose! Just give back [name]'s! Un." 


"Don't worry, I won't die. Un. Believe me."

You nodded and stared sadly as Deidara gave his blue rose to Sasori, and took the red rose. He walked back to you and handed it to you.

"I'm sorry.." 

"What are you sorry for? Un. I told you not to worry. I will continue to protect you until we get out." 


Sasori smirked to himself and ran out, leaving you and Deidara to be chased by dolls. Both of you ran out the exit and onto the stairs, where trails of blue rose petals lay on the ground...

"No.. Deidara..." 



You turned back and saw Deidara kneel over, his face sweating and heating up. He was dying.

"[name]. You should go ahead of me! Un. I'll catch up. I'm still tired from all that running. Don't worry about anything. I'll catch up. Un."

You couldn't find the words to express your worry over him. He was on the verge of death. That much you knew. You knew about people dying. It was inevitable, but this was far too much. 

Blinking back the tears, you ran up to Deidara and hugged him before turning to run away, carrying his lighter in your hands.

You ran to the only choice of the moment. Up the stairs you run without looking back. The hall was outlined in pink, and it was black. Thorns and bushes in black stood in your way in the only entrance with yellow roses on the wall. 

A pair of footsteps walk behind you, so you didn't think and hid behind some stairs on the left.

"Loves me. Loves me not. Loves me. Loves me not. LOVES ME. Heh. Now I can..."

You peered from the stairs to find Sasori plucking and muttering something under his breath as blue petals fell serenely. Deidara....

When Sasori smiled and threw the stalk of lost petals down, leaving, you emerged from your hiding place, feeling depressed with the last of Deidara's rose in pieces. He was officially gone...

You left the toy box, not bothering the blocked entrance and used the pink key to go to the locked pink house. You jammed the key in, turning it and going in. Another flight of stairs went down, and you stepped silently down it. 

What the next thing you saw amazed you. It was a sight of deja vu that popped into your mind when a large painting, with rainbow colors and white splattered over it.

"??? World 

Once you go in, there's no going back. All your time here will be lost. Do you still want to go in?"

You pulled back a bit when a light flashed, and the yellow frames of the painting disappeared, and you could jump in. Without a moment of hesitation, you walked back and ran to jump in. 


You blinked and the whole gallery was clean white. For some reason, you couldn't remember what you were doing here. All that you knew of was that your parents took you to the art gallery for a day off.

Shrugging it off, you went back to the reception's desk to find your parents, and heard a familiar voice.

"Mother, what will be for dinner tonight?" 

"Oh, Sasori! We'll be having some chicken and pasta tonight! [if you are a vegetarian, just imagine it as salad for greeny food. :)] Besides, it's still far off from dinner time!" 

"Sorry. I'm just a bit hungry. Oh?"

You caught a red-head's eye and he walked up to you, smiling warmly as he called your name.

"[name]. Welcome back."

Sasori took your hand, and it wasn't cold wood. It was warm flesh and skin. He lead you down the stairs to your parents and he called to them.

"Mother! Father! I found [name]." 

"[name]! I was planning to visit the exhibits with you. Don't just run off." 

"Sorry, mom." 

"It's about time we should get something. How about it, dear? Sasori is hungry, and I'm sure, [name] is, too. Let's get a cup of coffee at a cafe or something?" 

"That's sounds wonderful! Let's go you both." 

"Yes, mother."

You reached inside your pocket to keep the wind away, and took it out to find candy and a lighter.

"[name], you shouldn't carry that lighter. It's dangerous." Sasori noted, taking the lighter away. He threw it out in a nearby trash can, and left you to eat your strawberry candy. After you were done, he picked you up and carried you, smiling softly like what a big brother would do...

[Deidara x Child!Reader x Sasori] The World in One PaintingWhere stories live. Discover now