You All Alone [2]

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"Ah.. Deidara...?"

You opened your eyes, and all was pitch black in the darkness. It wasn't colorful like earlier. Could it be that you fell into the toy box? You did hear Sasori's voice before disappearing...

You dusted yourself off and thought about walking in mannequins and blue dolls to find Deidara. And of course, you'd find him, since he was pushed in with you. You walked upon him lying face down like a fisherman would do with fish. Slapped on the table.

"Deidara... Wake up..." 

"Hng... [name]? [name]!"

Deidara looked up and pushed himself off the floor to see your face a bit pale. He was relieved to see you tell him you were fine.

"Yosh! Let's get out of here, [name]! Un." 



Meanwhile, you picked up a pink key that may help in escaping, and you hear a voice.

"Is this for me?"

You and Deidara turn to see Sasori with a bored, yet surprised face as a blue doll handed him a red rose. That red rose was yours!


"Oh? [name]. Deidara. Did you find what you were looking for?" 

"Danna. Why do you have [name]'s rose? Give it back! Un." 


Sasori hands you your rose back and walks away. Leaving you and Deidara to have dolls chasing after you. Both of you ran out of the exit and up on to the stairs. [I didn't play the game, so I'm having trouble with this ending. Sorry. I'm not sure if Mary gave the rose back, but I'll just make things up.] 

Having left the dolls, you and Deidara climbed some stairs to a room with black, outlined in pink. A wall with yellow roses, and an entrance blocked by black bushes and thorns stood in the way.

"Looks like we need to burn this down. Let me burn this with my lighter. Un."

You moved away as Deidara took out his lighter and set the bushes on fire, leaving an empty space for entering. Just as you and Deidara were about to think about the cracked painting in the room, a voice sounded in the silent hall.

"[name]? Deidara?" 


What are you two doing here? Leave, please. LEAVE!"

Sasori had a tone of anger and panic as he eyed the lighter in Deidara's hand. He made his way to you both, palette in hand as you and pulled Deidara to the painting, grabbed the ligher, and set it on fire, bringing everything down to ashes.

Deidara was awestruck as glass cracked and Sasori was burning in agony on the floor. You didn't dare look back to see a hand reach out for your weary form.

When it was all over, you turned back and noticed a cut on Deidara's hand.

"Deidara! Your hand." 

"Oh this? Un. It's nothing. It'll heal in a day, or two. Un." 

"No, here. Take this."

You handed Deidara a handkerchief, to which he tried to refuse, with how clean and new it was, but you dabbed it on his hand anyway.

"Deidara... Please don't get hurt.." 

"[name]... Un. Thanks. I'll hang on to this..."

Leaving the smell of smoke and flames, you went out and used the pink key to go to the locked pink house. You jammed the key in, turning it and going in. Another flight of stairs went down, and you stepped silently down it. 

What the next thing you saw amazed you. It was a sight of deja vu that popped into your mind when a large painting, with rainbow colors and white splattered over it.

"Woah! Un. Haven't we saw this before?" 

"Fabricated World 

Once you go in, there's no going back. All your time here will be lost. Do you still want to go in?" 

"[name]! I think this is our exit! Let's jump in! Un!"

You pulled back a bit when a light flashed, and the yellow frames of the painting disappeared, and you could jump in. 

Deidara jumped in first, and he turned to call you to come with him.

"[name]! I'm back in one piece. Jump in! I'll pull over to the other side! Un."

You were about to jump in when you heard a certain someone's voice.

"[name]! There you are! I've been looking all over for you. I told you not to run off." 


"[name]? What are you doing? Come on! Un!" 

"[name], I didn't raise you to trust strangers. Don't you want to be with Mommy and Daddy?" 

"[NAME]!" Your mother and Deidara called. You had a choice to make. Go with mother or Deidara. But your mind was made up, as you had remembered that you'd return to your mother's side. In which, you went to your mother's side.

"[name]? Where are you going? Un? [name]!?"

You couldn't hear Deidara's voice as your mother smiled, walking away with you, her form slowly disappearing in the darkness. Your eyes grew cold and dark, as you walked on in the consuming dark...

[Deidara x Child!Reader x Sasori] The World in One PaintingWhere stories live. Discover now