Chapter 5

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"Gordon?" Scott pleaded. "Please say you're okay."

"It might just be a technical error." I spoke hopefully.

"I hope not, technical errors mean that the whole of Thunderbird 4 could be down." John responded. "Wait hang on." There was a sudden silence. "His lights just reappeared on the screen. I've found him."

I'd obviously held my breath in anticipation as I'd just exhaled a large amount of air, which caused Alan and Scott to both look towards me then quickly turn their heads back towards John.

"Can you get in contact with him?" Scott asked, concerned about his brother.

"I'm trying to, but so far no luck." John replied.

John continued to fiddle with some buttons and levers to his left. Our breathing became like one as we all inhaled and exhaled simultaneously. I saw Scott close his eyes and clearly hope that they could get in contact with Gordon. It was obviously his method of coping as Alan simply spoke quietly.

"He'll be fine, he's a Tracy he'll know exactly what to do." Which was then followed by a weak smile.

"Bu-" Scott began to speak but was suddenly cut off.

"Scott are you reading me?" Gordon's voice spoke.

"Well thank god for that!" Scott sighed. "What's happened down there?"

"I managed to make my way to the sub, but I can't get in to get him out." Gordon spoke. "Virgil, I'm going to need your help to surface it, I'll bring it up as far as I can alone, but be ready to be at assistance."

"FAB Thunderbird 4." Virgil responded before taking control of Thunderbird 2 once more.

I was unaware of what happened next as only their faces were holograms compared to the whole of the scenario. John clearly had access to everything that was happening during this brief period of time. Weirdly I was more tense during this moment compared to when we thought we'd lost Gordon. Admittedly it could be due to the fact that we were dealing with another individual's life or the fact that somewhere deep down inside of me, I knew Gordon would be safe. I'd not yet had a proper conversation with Gordon, compared to Virgil, Scott and Alan so I didn't feel like I truly knew him yet. But because he was obviously their brother, I felt a connection like I did with the other members of the Tracy Clan.

"We're almost above water Virgil." Gordon spoke.

"FAB, I'll pick both of you up then Thunderbird 4" Virgil responded. "We'll sort you and whoever is inside out once we get to land."


It took 20 minutes for Virgil and Gordon to return back to the Tracy home. Virgil and Gordon hugged it out, saying that they had a great mission together. I smiled at the two of them, but something in the back of my mind made me realise, Gordon could have been lost down there. For all I know, he could have died. My heart sunk a little when that came across my mind. I could have witnessed three people die, fortunately I didn't, but I could have.

That's when Virgil looked at Alan and sincerely asked; "Are you still really wearing your Pajamas?"

I spun around and surely enough, Alan was still wearing his stripy navy blue pajamas.

"So what?" Alan spoke "Feels like a pajamas type of day."

"You really aren't going to change then?" A voice from upstairs asked Alan. We all quickly spun around and saw Katie, arms crossed. "It's not a very flattering look."

"KATIE!" I shouted at her. "Take that back!"

"Why should I? It's the truth."

"They allowed us to stop in their home, that's why. Who knows what would have happened if they didn't."

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