Chapter 15

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Scott and Gordon ran down to meet my Auntie and Parker, leaving myself with Virgil, Katie and Alan to wait for them to return.

"Do we have to go?" Katie asked.

"I know exactly how you feel." I spoke.

"You won't be out long." Alan spoke.

"Yeah, but she'll be getting us to try on and buy dresses and I don't do dresses." I replied.

"I'm sure you look beautiful in a dress." Virgil spoke, leaning into me and kissing my cheek lightly. I smiled and then looked towards Alan and Katie who were staring at us, mouths wide open.

"I think we're busted." I spoke.

"We'd appreciate it if you kept this a secret for now." Virgil responded, realising what he'd done.

"So you two are..." Alan asked, to which both myself and Virgil nodded simultaneously in response.

"But as Verg said, please don't tell anyone." I replied.

"Don't tell anyone what?" I heard Gordon's voice from the opposite side of the house, indicating that Lady Penelope and Parker had just arrived.
I pulled a face at Alan, which I hoped said that he shouldn't say anything. Both Katie and Alan clearly understood what I was indicating as they didn't say anything.

"Oh nothing." Virgil spoke, spinning around and looking towards Lady Penelope and Parker. "Lovely to see you two again. It feels like ages since you were here last."

"I know exactly what you mean Virgil." My Auntie spoke. "It feels lovely to be back at paradise."

"Hi Auntie Penny" I spoke, taking acknowledgement of my Auntie standing there with Parker. "Hi Parker."

"Hello Daisy, Katie." My Auntie spoke. "How are you both?" She smiled.

"I'm good thanks." I spoke. "How are you?"

"I'm not too bad thank you. We've missed you both though haven't we Parker?" She replied, looking towards Parker at the second half of her response.

"Oh yes M'lady. It's been much quieter." Parker responded. I giggled a little at his response.

"Well, shall we get going then?" My Auntie asked.

"Let me just go and grab something from upstairs." I spoke. "I'll meet you down at FAB1." I added before running upstairs and rummaging around the wardrobe in mine and Katie's room for a handbag to go with my outfit.

"Pink really does suit you." A voice spoke, which made me jump a little. I span around and saw Virgil at the door. "Didn't mean to scare you." He smiled.

"You've got a habit of doing so though haven't you?" I joked. He smiled, before moving closer to myself. He caught up to me and opened up his arms before tightly hugging me. I put my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. He pulled away a little before we shared a kiss once more.

"Stay safe." He spoke before taking my hand and pulling me gently towards the direction of the door leading to the hallway and the downstairs area of the Tracy home. I noticed that Scott was the only person still inside of the Tracy home and that everyone else had already made their way to FAB1.

"Come on then." Scott smiled as we approached the front door leading to the rest of the island. Virgil still took hold of my hand as we all walked out of the house and made our way towards where FAB1 was parked. When we reached about the half way mark, I stopped and pulled Virgil in towards me suddenly before kissing him once more.

"Sorry, I just had to." I spoke when I saw his confused facial expression.

"You're going for hours, Lord knows what you'd be like when you leave for good." He smiled a little. But his words struck me, I realised I only had a few weeks left on Tracy Island, safe with the Tracy Brothers, until I handed myself over to The Hood. I let go of his hand and we walked the rest of the way towards FAB1 in silence, I was contemplating what I was going to have to do shortly.

It didn't take long to approach the rest of the brothers all gathering around FAB1. My Auntie and Katie were already sat in the back seats of FAB1 and Parker was holding the door open for me to sit with them.

"Do you mind if I take shotgun for a change?" I asked.

"Sorry?" Parker asked.

"Sit up front, with you." I responded.

Parker contemplated a moment before nodding and opening up the door at the front of FAB1. I made my way into the vehicle and sat down on the cream coloured interior seat. Parker shut the door behind me and made his way to the driver's side before sitting down to the right of me.
"Let us know if there's any trouble" Scott spoke.

"We will do Scott." My Auntie responded. "Thanks."

Virgil smiled at me and I smiled back before waving a little. I took a deep breath and tried to forget the idea of me leaving Tracy Island for good.

"Come on then Parker." My Auntie spoke.

"No problem M'lady. See you all soon Master Tracy's." He spoke before driving FAB1 and causing the vehicle to fly away from the Island.

I looked out of the window and looked down towards the Island, where the brothers all stood. It didn't take long for it to disappear.

"I think we should all go out for a nice spot of tea." My Auntie spoke. "Then we can decide what you want to wear for the Gala."

"Okay." Katie replied. "Sounds good to me. Daisy?"

"Sure." I spoke.

"Then it's settled." My Auntie happily spoke. "Oh and Daisy, someone called Jase has been trying to contact you."

"Jase?" I rhetorically asked. I'd been so interested in Tracy Island and mine and Virgil's relationship that I'd forgotten about Jase.

"Yes, he said he wants to meet up with you. Something to do with Jamie."

"Right." I spoke.

"So I invited them to join us for lunch today."

I felt sick. She was being completely honest with her words, I knew she was. She never lied to me or Katie as she knew we'd been through so much that lying would just make things worse. So I was not surprised when I saw Jamie and Jase sitting and waiting at a nearby bench when we pulled up outside of a local coffee shop in the middle of London.

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