Chapter 10

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Virgil took a deep breath. "Coming Scott!" He shouted, clearly unimpressed with the timing of the whole situation.

"Oh well." I spoke. "Maybe later."

"Yeah. Come on, Scott'll become annoyed if we don't get up there. You don't want to see him when he's annoyed."

"Why?" I asked as we began to walk back to the area where Scott was.

"Well, one time he was so annoyed with Alan not listening to him, that he actually destroyed his favourite childhood toy. Admittedly, Scott was about 13 at the time and Alan was about 6. He's only gotten worse with age!"

"Oh gosh." I giggled.

"It's no biggie. We had a collection of them as he was, and still is, prone to loosing things. That's why we don't trust him with the keys for any of the Thunderbirds."

I couldn't help but laugh at that comment. Which caused Virgil to chuckle also. Once we'd reached Scott once more, tears were streaming down my face in laughter, which was met by a confused look from the rest of the brothers, who were already waiting for us to return.

"Glad to know somebody is finding this funny." John spoke, seriousness in his voice, eyebrows raised.

"Sorry, Virgil said something funny that's all. I'll let you get on with it." I responded before picking up my book and wandering over to the kitchen.

To calm myself down, I poured myself a glass of water and tried to start reading. Holding the book on my lap, and the glass of water was on the table in front of me. But I couldn't help but overhear the conversation which was being laid out only a few metres away.

"There's been a security outbreak in the bank of London. They've managed to catch who was involved, but unfortunately one of them have got away. It's our dear old friend." John spoke.

"You mean?" Alan asked.

I began to sip the water I had previously poured myself.

"Yes, I'm afraid it is him." John took a breath, "The Hood."

Those last two words made me spit out my own drink and drop the glass I was holding, causing water to spill everywhere and the glass to smash and break all over the floor. Fortunately I didn't begin to choke, but I noticed that the brothers were all staring at me.

"You mean The Hood as in... The Hood?" I asked, shaking a little.

"Why, do you know of him?" Gordon asked in amazement.

"That's who we were originally running from. We're still on the run from his followers." I spoke. "But I thought he was dead?"

"We thought so too, but clearly not. You might want to hear this then." John spoke, before continuing with what he was saying. "He reordered a video for Scotland Yard, who are sending us a copy in case we can help. Apparently they don't know his exact location, but it's somewhere near us."

I took deep breaths as if to try and calm myself down. My skin began to crawl and I felt myself welling up again. My mind became confused and all a blur. I covered my mouth with my hand as I knew then that I couldn't murmur to myself, which is what I usually did when I was shocked or upset.

"So what are we going to do?" Virgil asked. "We can have what happened last time, happen again!"

"Although I must say I did do a good job." Alan smiled.

"Not the right time or place for that Alan." John responded. "We just need to be extra careful with everything we do. Even the most simplest and shortest of missions."

"So what you're saying is that at least one of us needs to stay on the island at any one time?" Scott asked. "To keep, not only Daisy and Katie, but the rest of the island safe."

"Yes." John spoke. "But what makes it worse is that he knows where we're based. If all of you leave, there's a chance he'll take over the island again."

"Again?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, again." Virgil spoke. "I'll probably tell you what happened later."

I nodded and looked back towards the rest of the brothers, who was all still looking at John.

"Anyway. That's that. Once I receive the recording, I'll show it you. That's all that's really happening." John spoke. "However, there is chance of a volcano eruption in Hawaii, so you may have to evacuate the people from there. I'll tell you more as it happens."

"Thanks John." Scott spoke as John's face disappeared back into non-existence.

I'd clearly blanked out as I jumped a little as I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

"Woah, calm down it's only me." Virgil spoke as he sat down beside me. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"You know, I don't even know." I replied. "It's really weird. It's like, so much has happened within the past few days."

"You know, there's been so many changes for us also." Gordon added into the conversation.

"I suppose there was." I replied. "Thanks so much for letting us stay here. You really don't know how thankful I am, for all of this."

"That's no problem Dase. It's part of our job to help people." Virgil smiled at me, before beginning to pick up the shards of glass around me.

"Here, let me." I spoke as I jumped off of the kitchen chair. I tried to help collect some of the pieces of glass.

"Don't pick it up." Virgil spoke. "I don't want you to get cut. If you must help, there's a dustpan and brush in the cupboard on the right. Can you grab me that please?"

"Sure." I spoke as I made my way towards the cupboard and received the dustpan and brush for Virgil. I handed them to him and he smiled at me for doing so.

"Thanks." He spoke as he continued to collect the shards of glass of off the floor. As he disposed of the glass, I mopped up the water which was all over the floor with some paper towels which I found. I followed Virgil and placed the paper towels into the bin.

Virgil took my hand and we walked back towards the kitchen table. I sat back down on the chair which I was sat on previously. Virgil started collecting multiple dishes out of the cupboards and placed them on the table.

"Do you think someone should go and tell Kayo about the whole situation?" Gordon asked as the rest of the brothers all sat around the kitchen table with me.

"I'll go." Alan spoke, beginning to stand up.

"Alan, stay put. I'll go talk to her." Scott almost commanded before he wandered across the room to leave the house.

"I wonder what's up with him." Alan spoke.

"Just let him be." Gordon responded. "You know how Scott can be."

"Yeah, especially when something unexpected happens like this." Virgil added to the conversation as he collected the cereal from one of the cupboards and the milk from the fridge.

"He just clearly cares about you all." I replied before adding. "I'm just going outside. I need some time alone."

I picked up my book and my skateboard before crossing the room and making my way outside, towards the area Scott had clearly marked for me yesterday. I needed some time alone, in peace and quiet. There was the perfect place to go.

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