Chapter 37

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I slipped quickly back into my room, shutting the door behind me and stripped off my clothes. I needed to get rid of the smell. The dirty musk of the cell that I was enclosed in. I ran myself a hot, steamy shower and stood under the stream. My mind went to the conversation myself and Virgil had. It must have been true. The whole thing was a set up and it had played out right before my very eyes. Running my hands through my hair, I realised how greasy it was so I squeezed a large amount of coconut shampoo into my hand and washed my hair. The shampoo ran into my eyes and left me almost blind for a few moments until I properly cleaned it all out, however it still left my eyes bloodshot red. I decided to state it was because I'd been crying if anyone said anything about my red eyes. It seemed better than stating I got shampoo in my eyes.

I jumped out of the shower and dried off as I wandered towards the pile of clothes which Parker had laid out for me. I took a deep breath as I recognised the red and black flannel shirt, the one which Virgil had bought me for my birthday, hidden underneath my black jeans. This was clearly Parker's way of saying to follow my heart and not my Auntie's word.

I slipped on my jeans, a black strappy tee and my flannel shirt before I brushed my hair and made my way back towards the room where my Auntie, Parker and Scott were sitting in.

"All I'm saying is it's about time she knew exactly what's going on." I heard Scott speak from inside the room. I stayed outside, eavesdropping on the conversation. "I mean she's old enough to know. Alan is younger than her and he knows!"

"I don't want her to get hurt though." My Auntie responded.

"I think it's a bit late for that Lady P." Scott snarkily remarked.

"You know what, you're right Scott." My Auntie spoke after taking a deep breath. "I know you're there Daisy." She added, making me jump at the sound of my own name. I poked my head around the door frame and was collared into the room by my Auntie.

"Right. Are you going to tell me exactly what's been going on?" I asked, sitting down next to Scott.

"Daisy, I'm sorry." She replied.

"Cut it out. Virgil has already told me that all what happened with The Hood was a plan. That I was the center of but knew nothing about." I saw my Auntie open her mouth and then close it shortly afterwards. "The Hood knew I'd be there at that very moment as bait. I get that. But what I want to know is why am I always the last person to know what's going on?"

"We knew you'd retaliate if you know what was going to happen." My Auntie spoke after a few moments of silence. "We couldn't risk it."

"But you could risk my life?" I rhetorically asked.

"No, we knew you were safe." Scott spoke.

"But what if I wasn't?"

"As Virgil probably forgot to mention, we had people on our side in that deathtrap." Scott spoke. "But also, the amazing thing about your communicator is the fact that not only does it tell us where you are, with help by FAB1, but it counts your pulse. Therefore giving us an indication that you're okay."

My hand unconsciously began to feel my naked wrist to find my communicator. "Where is it by the way?" I asked.

"Here." Parker spoke, handing me my communicator, which I had once believed to be a watch or a phone. It hadn't run through my mind that it was a communicator, until I saw each one of the brothers wear one the first time I saw them.

I looked down at the communicator in awe. Somehow it seemed different. It was a much heavier weight in my hands. I'd never actually known what information was on it, but now I knew, I held all information about the Thunderbirds and their mighty machines. But It also held information about my father. I put my communicator on my left wrist before I looked back towards my Auntie and Parker.

"How long have you hidden this from me." I spoke.

"Since the day you and Daisy moved in." My Auntie replied.

I shook my head in confusion, trying to take it all in. "You knew this was going to happen for that many years and you didn't even tell me?"

"Your dad, asked me to look after you. He knew he was going to die and the only way he could keep the information safe was to keep you safe. It was him that set this plan up." She replied, before quickly adding. "To an extent."

I took a deep breath in to ease my frustration. I couldn't believe what I'd heard, not only was she blaming all of what had happened on my dad, but she hadn't given me a proper excuse as to the situation. She annoyed me. She keeps pretending to be a perfect human being, but she isn't, she's far from it. Keeping secrets from family, about their own fate.

"Daisy?" I'd clearly been silent in rage for a long amount of time as I felt Scott cover my hand with his.

"I want to move back to Tracy Island." I blurted out, not particularly towards anyone. "Permanently."

"But, all your friends and family are here." Scott responded.

"They were never my friends, not really. They stopped being my friends a long time ago. And my family? They always say family doesn't end in blood." I looked towards Scott. "What do you think?"

"That's fine by me, but I need to check with everyone else." He smiled.

"Well that's that then." I spoke, suddenly standing up. "I'll go pack." I added, aiming a sarcastic smirk towards my Auntie, before leaving the room and making my way back towards my old room.

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