3- "revenge"

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Blake's pov:

  After 20 minutes of impatient waiting and a lot of complaining from the boys, Teagan finally strolled through the door as if walking through a garden and smelling the roses.

  "Really T?! You could've picked up the pace just a little bit." I scolded Teagan as she just innocently smiled at me. I just rolled my eyes at her and headed outside to figure out car situations.

"Who's cars are we taking and do we need to get food to bring along the way?" I asked to everyone in hopes for an answer quick. I just wanted to leave and to enjoy time away from our small town before school started back up and we were stuck here till graduation.

"We do need to get some food, I want to grill out tonight and make some desserts, like the good days" Ashton answered as he thought about what all we needed to get buy at the store. I nodded in response waiting for my other question to be answered.


  Finally three hours later we made it to the cabin a little after 6 p.m. We still had a couple hours of sun left before it got dark. All of us decided after picking rooms and getting situated, to go down by the lake for a while before we ate dinner and made a fire. I picked out my floral two piece swim suit, with a big t-shirt, and my sunglasses and flip flops. When I made it to the living room everyone was waiting around for me to go to the lake. Even Teagan was ready, shocker. We grabbed our towels and other necessities and made our way to the lake.

  Me and Teagan decided to sit on the dock and watch as the boys played around in the water. But before we could start a conversation both of us were being pushed off the dock and into the cold water. In shock I screamed and when I surfaced I glanced up and saw Calum and Ashton laughed their asses off on the dock. Once they calmed down they high-fived and jumped back in splashing us on the face.

"What the hell was that for?!" I asked annoyed as to why I was thrown in the lake so unexpectedly. Along with Teagan whining about not wanting to get her hair wet.

Neither Calum or Ashton answered my question they just shrugged their shoulders and began to swim off. I swam up to Calum and grabbed his ankles when I went under water to scare him. When he turned around I came up and splashed him in the face. But I couldn't get away from him fast enough. So as I was trying to get away I was soon pulled by the waist into a hard body. Calum had me pulled into his chest and had a tight grip on my hips. When I tried to get out of his tight grip he only to be spun around and had me face his body. I looked up at him confused as to why he still had a grip on me. But before I could protest against him to let me go I was pulled underwater. I jolted up from the water and began to dunk Calum and laugh along as I did.

"Why do you keep pulling me into the water?! Are you going to answer this time?" I playfully asked Calum. I pretended to be mad, but Calum could see right through me and began to laugh at my attempt in being mad at him.

"Because it's funny to watch you struggle and 'try' to be mad at me" He answered as laughed and poking my cheek. I swatted his arm away and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yeah yeah whatever, you better sleep with one eye open tonight Hood." I warned. His eyes grew wide knowing I was being serious about revenge. Whenever it came to times like this we both enjoyed pranking and getting revenge on each other. It's only fair.

"Oh Jones you think you scare me. I get a good laugh out of it, I truly do." He laughed at me as he poked my cheek, once again annoying me and then pulling me into a playful hug. I smirked at him knowing the perfect plan on getting revenge. This boy does not have any idea what he has coming for him.


a/n ayeee chapter 3.
so school is starting back up tomorrow. I'm gonna try to update as much as I can during the week!! pls vote and comment. thank you loves ((:


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