His name in your phone

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When you saw James had texted you you immediately put his number in your phone. You wanted to put something fun as his name and not just 'James' You thought for a few minutes before you put 'My wildest dream'


Brad had texted you and you were so happy you put him in your phone and knew the perfect name to put as his contact name. Since he thought this of himself and since you thought this of him you decided to put. 'Brad the cutie pie'


Since Tristan put his name in your phone because you exchanged phone so you could put your own number in each other's phone he thought it would be fun to put something funny but cute. Since he played the drums he thought that 'My drummer boy;)' would be perfect.


When Connor texted you you were to caught up with fighting with James that you forgot to put Connor in your phone so after you and James were done fighting you put Connor in your phone you thought it would be good to put. 'My brother's best friend'

A/N: Okay so I know that you may be confused about Connor's one a little with the thing from fighting with James but when you see the first text conversation one you'll understand. Again I hope you liked it and you know favorite,comment,follow if you did.

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