First time you stay over at his house

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You and James were just having some quiet time together at his house. You had spend the whole day just sitting on the couch watching movies and playing games and just enjoying each other's company. It was already starting to get really late and you decided it would be best if you went to your house.

"Uh James it's getting kind of late. I best go back home." You said as you stood up.

"No love. You can't go. I love you to much to let you go home." He said as he took your hand and pulled you back down.

"But James I need to go home. It's already super late." You said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Well why don't you stay here then?" He asked looking at you.

"What?" You asked confused.

"Yeah stay here for the night. Like you said it's already super late and you look tired and I'm not letting you drive like that." He said.

"James I walked here." You said.

"That's even worse I'm not letting my girl go out there alone at this time. If something were to happen to you I would never be able to forgive myself." He said puling you closer again.

"Come on just stay over. I know that it might be a big step but I mean we have been going out for a very long time now." He said.

"But what about clothes I don't have anything to sleep in." You said looking at him.

"You can borrow something of mine." He said putting a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Okay then fine." You said finally giving in.

James smiled very wide he was really happy that you were staying over. He knew that nothing was gonna happen of course but he was just happy that he could hold you in his arms the whole night. The two of you ended up falling asleep on the couch while watching a movie.


Today you had been spending the entire day with Brad. The two of you would not leave each other's side. Both of you had no clue what had gotten into the two of you but you liked to be by each other's side. The night started to fall and you had to go home.

"Ugh I don't wanna go home. I'm so alone home. I want to stay with you." You said while you hugged Brad.

"Well why don't you." He said pulling back from the hug.

"What?" you asked looking at him.

"Yeah I don't want you to leave and you don't want to leave. So then why don't you just stay over at mine tonight." He said smiling.

"Brad are you sure?" You asked

"Of course I'm sure I would love it if you stayed over." He said smiling like a child on Christmas morning.

"Okay then great I'll stay over." You said hugging him again.

"Great. You can use some of my clothes as pajamas." He said smiling like crazy.

"Okay. But Brad you do know that nothing is gonna happen right no funny business." You said pointing a finger at him after you had pulled away from the hug.

"Of course not angel." He said smiling.

It was the best sleep you had had in years. It was amazing being able to feel Brad's arms around you while you slept.


You had gone over to Tristan's house to help him with a song. He needed to finish a song and decided that it might be fun for you to help him with it. So now you were here in Tristan's house sitting on his couch trying to finish the song. As time passed the two of you still hadn't finished the song and it was already very late. You started to get really tired and let out a big yawn.

"You okay babe?" Tristan asked looking at you.

"Yeah just getting a little tired." You said looking at him.

"Oh well you can go home if you want. I'm sure I'll be able to finish this song by myself." He said shrugging.

"No no I promised you that I would help and that's what I'm gonna do." You said before kissing him.

"Okay if you really want to." He said smiling.

"Yes I do. Now let's get back to work." You said as you started to write things down.

A few hours later the two of you managed to get some more lyrics on the paper but it still wasn't finished yet. You only started to get more tired. Tristan was noticing but didn't say anything. You didn't want to go home you wanted to help him finish this song. Suddenly Tristan had a lot of good ideas to finally finish the song. After he had wrote it all down he looked up and saw you asleep on the couch. He smiled and stood up from the couch. He picked you up and laid you down on his bed and put a blanket on top of you. He just decided to sleep on the couch not sure if you would like it that he was lying in bed with you. Sometime at night you woke up and realized what had happened you looked next to you and saw that there was no one beside you. You stood up and saw Tristan sleeping on the couch. You walked up to him and shook him awake. You told him that he could lay in bed with you it wasn't a problem for you. So the rest of the night the two of you slept peacefully in each other's arms.


You and Connor were having a movie marathon again. The two of you had a lot of those marathon but the two of you enjoyed these marathons so it didn't matter what other people thought. As the last movie was about to start you realized that it was already really late and that it would be best if you went home.

"Con I better go home it's starting to get late and James will be worried." You said putting your shoes back on.

"Noooooooooooo. You can't leave." He said as he hugged you and didn't let you go.

"Come on Connor let me go." You said.

"No. I don't want to. I love you Y/N." He said still hugging you.

"I love you to Con. But I have to go." You said trying to get out of his hug.

"Stay. Please stay for me. Come on it will be so much fun." He said still hugging you.

"Very funny Connor but come on let me go." You said.

"I'm not joking Y/n come on stay over at mine tonight. Nothing has to happen I just I don't want you to leave. I wanna be able to hold you close to me all night long." He said pulling away from the hug and grabbing your hands.

"You're serious?" You asked shocked.

"Of course I am. Come on princess. What do you say?" He asked looking at you with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine I'll stay over. But you have to tell James." You said.

"Great. Come on really he's already mad enough as it is knowing that I am dating you he'll kill me if he finds out that you are gonna stay over." He said looking at you.

"He won't kill you." You said.

"We'll see." He said as he started calling James.

James wasn't really happy about it in the beginning but when you guys said that you weren't gonna do anything inappropriate he said it was ok. The two of you decided to watch some more movies before going to bed. You had borrowed some of Connor's clothes and you and Connor were holding on to each other the entire night.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this preference please favorite and comment if you did. I'm thinking of maybe starting a preference series of The Tide cause they are super awesome. Let me know if you guys want me to write preferences from The Tide to.

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