The sword

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Jane's pov

After the guy left I tried to sleep.No suck luck. I knew damn well that I would be stuck here for a very long time... or intill the police found me. I wasn't expecting any more visits today but that was were I was wrong.

My door handle turned letting a ear piercing noise escape into the air and then was pushe open. I expected to see my mother telling me that she had power over my life but I was poreved wrong yet again. The only person who actually had power over my life stoop at the entrance of the door. His curly hair a total mess, his green orbes not shining like usual, his usual smile turned upside down; the dimples now hidden but never less he looked beautiful.

Harry quickly stepped in and closed the door. I got up and raced over to him. Hugging him and pulling him closer to me. It was only then did I notice that he wasn't hugging back. Something was wrong.(No shit). Something bigger then the whole kidnapping thing was wrong.

"Harry, What's wrong?" I asked now worried. I was officailly freaking out anf really scared.

When Harry didn't reply I held onto his hand and pulled him to the bed. Luckly he didn't pull his hand away. Normally when ever I took him to bed he had a cheeky grin on his face. Now he was trying to look emotionless but his eyes told another story. His eyes held so much emotion I had never seen on him. Hurt, betrayel,sadness.

"Harry what the heck is wrong!!" I exclaimed

"You lied to me" He said slowly "You lied to me about your mom! Your dad! What else have you lied to me about!" He said his voice rising. The pain turning into anger. "Was it all a LIE?"


"you also said that you would NEVER LIE TO ME!!!"

"I had to! It was for the best!"

"For the best! Of course it was!" And out love was for the best of your CAREER!"

"What the hell HARRY!" I yelled now mad! What the fuck had my mom told him 

"Was it because you thought I was stupider! That I would fall in love easier. That I was-"

"Harry! My career  had NOTHING to do with this! If you want I will quit the moment we get out of this hell hole. I LOVE YOU and nothing will change that!.  I had never! Not even for a second doubted your intellegence! To me you were one of the smartest people on earth. I never doubted your intelligence like how I never doubted your love!"

Harry's Pov

"Harry! My career  had NOTHING to do with this! If you want I will quit the moment we get out of this hell hole. I LOVE YOU and nothing will change that!.  I had never! Not even for a second doubted your intellegence! To me you were one of the smartest people on earth. I never doubted your intelligence like how I never doubted your love!"

Oh so the tables turn and I'm the guilty one.Sure I was. This was her lying to me and me doubting her love.

"I loved you with all my fucking hearth. And I still do. The fact that you think that brekes me! Harry do you  know how many man I have had sex with. I did not stay long enough to see the daylight with any of them BUT you. You know why I never stayed around? Because I didn't want to wake up and see the person I only wanted for pleasure. I didn't need sex to make pleasure with you! Every moment I spent with you was pleaure to me. I love you why dont you get that and nothing no one says will change that!" She said. I could tell that she was holding back teaars.

The beautiful and happy girl I had meet was no where to be seen. She was a mess. She had bruises on her face and her hair looked like a nest but that didn't make me love her any less.

"Then why did you lie?" I asked. I needed to know. My love for her wasn't going to change the facts nor the evidence.

"I lied because I was embarresed! My mother killed my father for no reason! She came after me! My dad was the best person on earth. He had a hearth big enough to love every child on earth. The fact that he chose my mother was the biggest mistake of his life and he paid that with his life. He always believed that he could change her but she is a cold hearted monster. I lied to you because the way you see me was so important to me! I could have you think that I was a disaster with out even getting to know me! Your oppinion on me mattered to me! I can't even face my past properly and to tell you it and expect you to be okay with it was like expecting Romeo to cheat on Julliet with some slut" She said the tears now running down her cheeks. I had not once seen Jane cy because she was sad. It was always tears of joy that came out of those beautiful eyes of hers.

I cupped her cheeks and wiped the tears with my thumb. As soon as Jane looked up I leaned down and kissed her soft pink lips.

" I never doubted your love. I was just scared that I would ask the wrong question" I said as soon as we broke the kiss.

"What do you mean?" She asked

"I didn't want to ask you a question which got you mad. I was afraid that if I did you would say something out of anger" I said slowly " I am a world known popstar and there are milliones of women out there who want me so badly and there are just as much who hate me but nothing they can say can or will hurt me as much as you can. We have all established the fact that you can hurt me phsically but you words can hurt me much more then anything. A pencil is mighter than a sword or in this case your words are mighter than anyother thing"

"Your love is better then anyting anyone can offer me, inclueding my job. Even Phuchi" Jane said smiling and hugged me.

"Love me back?" I whispered into her ear

"Always have and always will" She said. At that moment nothing could go wrong.... Wrong. A lot of things could go wrong and alot of things went wrong.

Jane's Pov

I pulled away from our embrace because of the terrible sound the door made.


I was in shock. She gave Harry drugs to make him hate me!

I was staring at her wide eyed.

"DON"T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT YOU LITTLW BITCH" She yelled as the back of her hand made contact with my face. The force was so much that my head turned to the other side and I ended up falling of the bed. With out giving me time to collect my self. My 'mother' jumped on me. One knee on either side of my waist and she punded her fist against my face. All I could do was put up my arms to protect my face. After she hit my arm I quickly punched her with one arm keeping the other one protectively over my face. 

Harry soon came over and lifted her off me.

"YOU ARE USELESS NOW!" my mother yelled.

The next thing she did was so unexpected that I couldn't even breath.

My mom took out a pocket knife and stabbed Harry in the stomach with it.



Is that a clifhanger or what?


also I am close to the end of the book so DO YOU GUYS WANT A SEQUAL OR AN EPILOG?

What do you think will happen to Harry? Well honestly that depends on you guys :P

I bet u didn't expect that :)

Luv ya all.... I am so evil.

I updated 2 chapters in one day:)

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