Where are you. Who are you

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As I stand up from bumping into that man to start walking away I feel my foot kick something I look down 'a necklace? That man must've dropped it without noticing' I go to pick it up feeling something strange as I do.I look at it one more time it takes the form of an odd jewel in the middle then it has wings that also have jewels, all the jewels appear to be white but it looks like they would have had color before.I look up to see if the man had come back for his necklace but there was no one there. I ask around a little bit for him but I always get the same response 'oh my lord where did you get that.' -sigh- Why did I ever bother asking them! As I go back to the same place from where I first saw the man and look at from the general direction from which he might have come from. "So I have two choices the ominous Foggy Forest or the not so dangerous Green Woods" 'what have I got to lose' As I head out towards

Hiya guys it me I have a small request I want you guys to chose if I should make her go into the Foggy Forest or the Green Woods
Oh and also I need a nice name for the girl so if you guys would be so kind as to write some down that would be very helpful
Sorry for the crappy picture my camera sucks I drew it by hand I tell you I'll see you guys in the next chapter signed KTRP

the Ruler of the EverGreen forestWhere stories live. Discover now