Finding an Escape

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As I approached I looked around the corner to see what looks like a foot. I then move towards the doorway ready for answers. " Hello who's there!? Can you tell me where I am!?" As I round the corner I see the mangled corpse of a man in a long white coat. " Aaahhhhhhh " I stammer back until I'm thrown up against the wall panting at horror that lay before me. " I don't belong here...I don't belong here....I don't belong here." I laid there for what seemed like hours chanting to myself in disbelief that I shouldn't be here. Suddenly I heard the sound again the banging from before the clang of metal in the halls. I looked over to the mangled body thinking " that could be me...THAT COULD BE ME!" I quickly sprang towards the doorway and sprinted down the hall, panting and stammering, till my legs gave out and I could no longer hear cold metallic clanging. I could hear my heart racing almost pounding out of my chest as I think of what might have happened if I had stayed. After I calm my mind and catch my breath I decide to look for an exit again. " Where could the exit be why can't I find a way out!?!" As I rounded each corner the feeling that I will never leave this hellish place came over me, until I seen it, a door with a map that showed exit wasn't far I just needed to get through this door. " Open! Open! Open!" I pushed and pulled on the door pounding it with all my force, but it wouldn't budge I began to look for a way to open it that's when I seen it a little box that read " key card required." My one chance closed off due to little piece of plastic. "I.....I can't open it without the card...I'm going to be trapped here forever." That's when I realized " that body...could it...could it have had a card on it? Could it be my only chance at freedom?" But then it hit me if I went back I could end up with whoever or whatever put the body there. Was this really the only way? I look around frantically for a weapon, anything to fight with. I know it won't help but just the thought of holding something to fight back gave me a since of comfort. As I search I found a busted pipe on the ground. " This is perfect now I have something to protect myself, I can go get that card." As I looked closer I noticed the pipe had something on the end of it. I got closer to see what it was. It was hair clumped red with blood clinging to the pipe. " Aaahhhhhh....Auu....bluuuggg!" When I finally got my feelings of disgust out of my system I realized " If...if this is the weapon the used to kill him then they won't be armed. Maybe I can go back without needing a weapon." I knew this wasn't logical but I didn't want to hold that thing any longer. Soon I regained my composure and slowly headed toward the room I awoke in. As I got closer I slowed down trying harder and harder to remain quiet. As I approached the door I was almost frozen barely creeping along the path. Peering around the corner I see no sign of the attacker and make my way into the room. The corpse was still there the coat was tattered and barely clinging to the body. I slowly reach over  into the pockets searching for the card with anxious haste and fear....but nothing was there.

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