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I put the mental in instrumental...

"William you better get up or you're going to be late." A chipper voice called from across the room. William rolled over in bed groaning when he came face to face with his best friend Gabe who happened to be sitting in the middle of his bed. Meaning that Gabe was in William's house, William by all means was not happy about this.

"How did you get in my house the doors are locked and you don't have a key." William quizzed sliding his upper half out of the blanket.

"Climbed into your unlocked window." Gabe said with a shrugged. William's eyebrows shot up to his hairline as he propped himself up with an elbow resulting in the blanket he was wrapped in to fall further almost to his waist. Gabe gawked silently.

"Hey I just realized something, school doesn't start until tomorrow Gabe, why the hell did you wake me up for nothing?" Gabe felt a light blush creeping onto his tan skin as he bit the inside of his cheek.

"Gotta be prepared, tomorrow's a new day." He smiled optimistically

"Yeah well." William scoffed pushing his very long and untamed hair out of his face.

"New day new regrets, different year same mistakes." He snapped with his face contorting into a tight frown. Gabe blushed darker and ducked his head down in embarrassment.

"W-well besides that the guys wanted to hang out before school started we were all planning to go to the diner down the street from Travie's house." The tan boy stuttered fiddling with his hands.

"Fine, get out." William said as he sat up with bed with an expectant look on his face.


"Get out of my room so I can get changed I'm not wearing anything besides boxer shorts right now." William chuckled getting out of bed. Gabe let out a little squeak and quickly exited the room. After Gabe had left the tall lanky boy stumbled towards the bathroom with fresh clothes in hand before entering the shower.

After getting out of the shower William tightly wrapped a towel around his waist and walked downstairs to grab his hairbrush out of the living room where he had left it the day before.

"William!" Gabe shouted with wide eyes before he turned his head away as quick as a whip.

"W-what?" William stuttered clutching the small hairbrush to his chest like it could protect him. Gabe covered his eyes despite him still facing away from William.

"Go put on clothes dude, I don't want to see you without a shirt on ever again!" He yelled like a child that saw their parents kiss.

"O-Oh... it'll never happen again, sorry bro." William whispered shyly as he cautiously glided out of the room. The pale boy stepped into his room quietly shutting the door and making his way over to the large mirror on the wall.

William began brushing his tangled hair softly, deeply frowning at the reflection that was looking back at him. Fat. He thought to himself as he skimmed a hand over his stomach. Despite what he thought William was actually very skinny, too skinny to be healthy as a matter of fact. The 17 year old limited himself to one meal a day which was usually just an apple or half of a turkey and cheese sandwich. His stomach often burned in hunger every time he even thought about food let alone smelled it but William couldn't bring himself to eat all of that. All of the fat, the sugar, the carbs... It ruins you. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat and the pathetic teen slumped down onto his bed with his head in his hands.

"I'm disgusting." He sobbed wrapping his arms around himself to offset the terrible tremor that was shaking his body. William's fingertips tiptoed across his ribs and downwards to his bony hips where his nails dug into the pale skin creating bruises. After wallowing in self hatred the thin boy tugged a gray shirt over his head and some tight black jeans before he walked back downstairs.

Vengeful Times At Barrington High (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now