Chapter 21

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New year, new songs, new dances, oh this year is gonna be great. "V Oppa, are you ready?!" I heard Meylee calling from downstairs. "Yeah! I'm coming." I got my phone and put on my shoes, before going downstairs. "Hi jagiya." I went up to Irene and back hugged her. I saw a faint blush on her cheeks. "Don't call me that." She whined and pouted. Can she get any cuter? "Why not? You are my Jagiya now right?" I kissed her cheek and laid my head on her left shoulder. "Well technically you haven't asked yet." She smiled and moved to the door while holding Meylee's hand. "Don't worry Oppa! You made her blush!" Meylee shouted while walking outside.

We were having dinner with her mom and dad. God I'm nervous. I turned off the lights and walked to the car. I started driving over there and my leg was shaking. There is no word to explain the nervousness I'm feeling. "Hey you ok?" Irene put her hand on mine and looked at me with a small smile. "Umm yeah. Just a little nervous." I chuckled and she laughed. "He already likes you. It's ok." She leaned her head against my shoulder, only to be lightly pushed away by Meylee's hand. "You guys are cute but please hurry. I'm hungry." She rubbed her stomach and we laughed. "Sorry Meylee." I said and she smiled. "Can you call me a nickname, too V Oppa?"

She leaned back in her seat and giggled. "Like what?" I looked at her through the rearview mirror and she brought her finger to her chin. "Hmm." Irene looked over at me. "Never mind. I'm good with Meylee." She grinned from ear to ear. "We're here." The amount of nervousness grew, probably as big as an alien spacecraft. Not that I've seen one... We got inside and saw her parents sitting at a round table. The walls were decorated in a light pink with detailed designs, there were beautiful painting hung near each section, and a brightly lit crystal chandelier was above the middle tables. This is too fancy for my taste, but I heard the food here was good.

Irene held onto my hand and smiled at me as Meylee ran to Irene's parents. "Just be yourself." She kissed my cheek and we made our way to the table. "Hello Mr and Ms. Gomez." I greeted them and shook their hands. God I feel like I haven't met them. "Greetings Mr. Kim." I have a feeling that it's not going well so far. Well I know that usually the girl's dads don't like the boyfriend, but I didn't think that it included this specific dad. I looked at the menu and gulped. "V, you're going to be ok." She lifted up her menu so she could whisper. "I don't think your dad likes me." I peeked over and saw him dusting off his suit. I just wore a button up shirt and skinny jeans. "For gods sake Tae, you brought him halfway across the world just to see me. I'm pretty sure that had a great effect."

I sighed and she put the menu down. "So Appa. When do you go back on your business trip?" She asked while a waiter came to take our order. "A Coca Cola please." After I ordered my drink, her dad looked at me. Did I get the wrong thing? "Somewhere in April. But I will visit every month, I arranged something with the CEO of the company." She smiled and Meylee colored on her placemat. She's a pretty cool girl to carry crayons in her pockets. I should do that. "So V. I heard you're going on tour soon." Her mom said and I averted my attention from the placemat to her. "Oh yeah, it's really going to be a great tour. So many sold out tickets." I said in excitement and her dad cleared his throat. Another wrong thing?

(Irene POV)
I fee bad for V. My dad is just testing him. "So how much time daily do you spend on electronics, Mr. Kim?" He asked. "Appa, you can call him by his first name too." I suggested and V shook his head. "It's fine. Umm actually it depends." He smiled but it turned into a frown as my dad glared at him. "Umm can I get the special?" My dad asked and V grinned. What is he planning? "I'll have the same." He does know that it's the spiciest thing on the menu, right? "V are you sure about that? I mean---" he shook his head eagerly. "If I get the same thing, he'll think we share interests and it will be a better chance of him liking me." I sighed. He honestly doesn't know what he's doing.

We were eating and V was eyeing his food. "Well you aren't going to let food go to waste are you?" My dad asked. I see what he's doing. "Umm no sir of course not." He took a bite of his food. This should be funny. He spit it out and hurriedly reached for water. "Agh! Wow that's hot!" He gulped down all his water and grabbed mine. He drank it all and grabbed my dads. He spit out the water and it landed on my dads face. I held in my laugh as he wiped his tongue with a napkin. "That's it." My dad stood up. "I'm so sorry sir. I'll do anything, please. I really love your daughter and I wouldn't do anything to get you mad. Please." Meylee jumped from her seat and hugged V's legs. "He's the one, Appa! He passed." He looked down at her confused. "Passed?" Appa shook his his hand. "Congratulations V. Treat my little girl right." I smiled as V just realized what had happened.

"Really? Thank you Mr. Gomez." He hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. "I think you better call me Appa." After we paid for the food, we went to my house and up to my room. "Well, I better get going. Bye, jagiya." He kissed me and left. "Bye, oppa." I took a shower and got ready for bed. "Umm can I talk to you?" My mom came in. Her eyes are red. "Yeah sure. What happened?" She sat next to me and I handed her a tissue. "Umm about M-Meylee's O-Omma. She...umm...g-got in a...c-car crash." My eyes widened. She can't be. What about Meylee? She's only 6. "No. What are we going to do? Meylee can't---" Meylee came into my room. "I can't what?" My mom wiped her eyes.

"You can't sleep without brushing your teeth. Are they brushed?" Meylee smiled and giggled. "Good. Night." Meylee came and jumped onto my bed. "What's wrong Eonni?" I can't tell her. I just can't. "Umm...V just left." She laughed and poked my cheek. "You're in loooooooove." I giggled and she laid down. "Goodnight Eonni." She cuddled next to me with Mr. Patches. "Goodnight Meylee." I feel bad for her. Not knowing what happened to her mom, and not a care in the world. I'm sorry Meylee.

(Author POV)
"Hey look. It's Taehyung! How'd it go?" Rap Monster asked while plopping on the couch, waking up Jungkook and Jin. "I failed miserably. I ordered the wrong drink, I got spicy food, I drank most of their water, and I spit in his face." V was trying to hold back the grin. "Oh! What?! Sorry Tae." Everyone seemed concerned and he started laughing. "So he likes me." Everyone was confused but they were too lazy to question him. Meanwhile, Irene's parents were talking about adoption papers and such. "I don't know what to do. We can't have them ready by next week because I have a full schedule." Her mom sighed. "I do as well."

Irene looked over at the peaceful little girl next to her. She snuck her phone from under her pillow and texted V.
Irene- Hey V...Can I tell u something?
TaeTae- Umm yeah sure...
Irene- Something happened with Meylee's mom.
TaeTae- Oh no. What happened?
Irene- She got into a car accident
TaeTae- Jinja?! Come over please! I want to talk about it!!!
Irene- Fine. I'm coming.

She got her slippers and jacket on and quietly got off the bed. "Omma. Appa. I'm going to V's house, is that ok?" They nodded and her and her dad went to the car, considering she can't drive yet. "So...did you hear about Meylee?" Her dad asked and she slowly nodded. "Well, me and your mom have been thinking. Do you think you can pick up adoption papers?" Her face lit up and she jumped up and down on her seat. "Jinja Appa?!?! *gasp* Yes Yes!! Oh here's the house. Bye Appa!" She got out and rushed inside.

"Irene? What are you doing here noona?" Jungkook asked her while yawning. "Umm just came over." She pulled my wrist up to my room. "I'm really sorry about Meylee." I said looking down onto the ground. She really felt like family to me, almost like a daughter. "My mom and dad are thinking of adopting her. But, I have a better idea." Irene said while sitting next to me on my bed. She told me about her idea and I frowned. "I don't know. What if she can't handle it? All the people she would have to get to know, plus---" she put her hand in mine. "I think it's the best option. We just can't tell her. She'd have too many emotions all at once."

I can't do this. I'm not ready. I have to try... For Meylee.

Hewo! First update in this story of the year!!! I feel bad for writing her mom out😂. But, what's best is best. This might be a little boring, I admit that it's pretty boring. (I put the important details in bold and italics.) But thank you for supporting my stories and voting and commenting and reading. Luv you guys! Don't forget to Vote!!!


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