Chapter Eight: The Choice

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The sun's rays were just beginning to peek out over the horizon as several ships decked in Skrill designs arrived on the far side of Berk. An actual Skrill, its rider grinning maniacally, touched down on the beach and watched as his soldiers secured their boats.

"What exactly do you need us to do?" asked a soldier, turning to face Dagur as he wiped the sweat off his brow.

"Stay out of sight for now." Dagur replied, pulling out a black cloth from his belt. "And hand me the maps and law books. I need to double check."

"We've been double checking all week, don't you think-"

"I think you need to get me those law books and maps. We have got to make sure there is not a single loophole. The Hooligans will be looking for any way out. This isn't just a couple of kids, these are the grandchildren of the chief. Now give me those law books." Dagur glared at several of his men before they reluctantly handed over the books. "And the map. You're positive we found it on this island?" he asked, pointing to a circled island on the map. "Any farther east and it's not on our territory so you have to be certain it was this island and not another one."

"We've gone over this-"

"Well we're going over it again." Dagur snapped. "If we do one thing wrong, everyone in the archipelago will be, at the very least, not happy about having their time wasted."

"Why are you so certain that they won't all vote to declare war on us?" asked a soldier near the ships.

"It's a risk for sure but no one will want to spill the blood of their citizens over two little brats no matter whose kids they are." Dagur said, his eyes still scanning the law books.

A different soldier stepped up. "Why do you want them? The boy I can understand but the girl-"

"It's not so much that I want them. I want Hiccup to suffer for everything he's put me through, put us through." Dagur smiled; a few gaps in his teeth were noticeable on the right side of his mouth. "You saw the fuss he raised when he thought we'd taken the girl. Imagine the fuss when we take them both and there's nothing he can do about it."


The door to the master bedroom flung open and the pitter patter of two small feet flooded the room. Finn leaped onto the bed by his parents' and sister's feet, jumping on top of Astrid and shouting, "Good moooorning! Daddy! Wake up!"

"Mmm no..." Hiccup moaned, burying his face farther into his pillow.

Astrid sat up on her arm with a smile, watching as Finn climbed over and pushed his father's hair away from his ear. "WAKE UP DADDY!"

"Oww Finn..." Hiccup whined but sat up. He twisted halfway around, unable to flip over due to Adrianna lying dangerously close to his back. He yawned and stretched, willing himself to wake up. He shook his head around, his bed hair flopping in all directions.

Adrianna giggled sleepily. "Daddy, you need a haircut."

Hiccup gave her a small lopsided smile. "No I don't. Daddies don't get haircuts."

"But you have so much! See?" The little girl pushed her hands into his hair and lifted handfuls of his dark hair off his head.

Hiccup smiled wider, which didn't reach his eyes. "Yep, I have lots of hair. But not as much as your mommy. You should see her hair when it is out of her braid."

"I know; I have seen it." Adrianna conceded. "It's okay to have lots of hair if you are a girl. But you aren't a girl."

"Oh, I am glad for that revelation. I wasn't sure for a minute there." Hiccup laid back on his pillow, smiling a little when Astrid whacked his arm with her hand.

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