Chapter 3

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It's Friday, the night of Audrey's party. It's the talk to the school, everyone can't wait for what she has planned. That's what she is known for, her wild parties which I was forced to go to, courtesy of Hayley.

School seemed to pass by too quickly and I was already at home, doing my hair and make-up, waiting for Hayley to show up with this 'oh so gorgeous' dress she picked out for me- her words, not mine. Knocking can be heard at the door as my mom screams, "Who's at the door?!" I hear my dads voice in the background saying, "Will you relax? It's probably Kai."

"I'll get it!" I scream, running down the stairs and opening the door. "Hey!" I greet her as she scurries in the door and starts jumping up and down screaming about how she was so excited to be going with Kyle to the party. I was really happy for her and let's face it, they did make a pretty cute couple. I wish I had what they had. Maybe someday I'll meet the man of my dreams, but for now I'll just enjoy the perks of being single. Wait! I just forgot that I was going to the dance tonight with Kaden! Oh this is going to be so embarrassing!

Pushing that to the back of my mind, I take Hayley's hand and head up to my room where we will get changed into our dresses. Walking in, I find my cat Bella, sitting on the bed staring at us like a weirdo. "My gosh Rose that cat freaks me out! Could it's pupils get any bigger! And look at that face, it looks like you smacked it with a pan!" Hayley shrieked, then started a hissing match with her. These two have never really gotten along for as long as I have known Hayley. I roll my eyes, Bella is a Persian Himalayan so they look what you could say, alien-like compared to other cats.

Breaking up the cat fight (pardon the pun), I grab Bella, who immediately starts purring right as I scoop her up in my arms, and take her out of my room, shutting the door so she can't get back in. Turning around, I see Hayley glaring at the door.

"So did you bring the dresses for the party tonight?" I question. "What? Oh yeah! They're right here," she says, slipping two dresses out of the travel bag. One of the dresses had a mint green colored bottom with black lace covering the top and the other was light pink champagne color with rhinestones. They were both gorgeous dresses, what a typical party dress would look like. I wouldn't mind wearing either of them.

"Right when I saw this dress I just knew I had to get it for you," she says smiling, passing me the light pink champagne colored dress. "Hayley! This must have cost a fortune! What do I owe you?" I say, gobsmacked. "Are you kidding me? You don't owe me anything, all I want you to do is wear it," she says with a smile.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squeal, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug, which she returns. "Don't thank me just yet, at least not until you put the dress on. Now, chop,chop! I want to see it on you!" Hayley orders. Chuckling at her enthusiasm, "Okay,okay! Just give me a minute!"

After exchanging my robe for the dress, I turn to Hayley for approval. "I knew I made the right choice in picking this dress out for you. It does wonders with your complexion. All in all I think you look beautiful Rose." My eyes begin to tear up and Hayley notices, "Your so emotional Rose! Now stop the crocodile tears, you don't want to ruin your make-up," handing me a tissue to dab the tears away.

Calming myself down, I chuckle, "Okay Halyley now you put your dress on!" Doing just that, she slips the dress on and faces me. "Hayley, you look...Gorgeous! Kyle's definitely going to have to run for his money when he sees you."

"Thanks Rose! Your the best!" Hayley squeals, hugging me tightly then pulling away, that's when I notice the tears in her eyes. "Who's crying now, Missy?" chuckling and lightly slapping me on the arm, she grumbles, "Oh hush up!"

Grabbing my arm and towing me down to the living room, she says, "Common, let's go say goodbye to your parents." Right as we stepped into the living room and made eye contact with my parents, they both gasped, getting up from the couch and making their way over to us. "Oh Scott, our baby is growing up!" my mom says, bursting into tears. My dad comforts her, rubbing her back soothingly.

Suddenly there is loud knocking on the front door that catches us by surprise, making us all jump. "That must be Kaden and Kyle. I told them to pick us up at your house if that's okay," Hayley says, walking over to open the door, not waiting for an answer.

There were a couple words said but they were incoherent from where I was standing. I hear Kaden's deep voice ask, "Where's the midget?" Geez, would it kill him to call me by my real name? "She's in the living room with her parents. Come on you need to meet them," Hayley assures.

Footsteps can be heard as they walk through the house and I can hear light whispering. As they come into view, I take a quick look at Hayley's face and see her blushing, Kyle must have said something to her.

I feel a heated gaze and trail my eyes over to Kaden to see that he was the one staring. I blush and a smirk makes its way across his face. Luckly my dad caught his attention and he reluctantly averted his eyes. "And who might you be?" my dad questions squaring his shoulders and reaching his full height, looking intimidating. Kaden on the other hand wasn't affected and looked down at my dad. My dad was a tall man, standing at 6'3 with a well muscled physic for his age. That would make Kaden 6'5 and just as muscular as my dad, if not more. Most likely sporting an eight pack under his suit, which I must say looked amazing on him.

"Kaden sir, I'm Hayley's older brother and I will be escorting Rose to the dance. You must be her father," Kaden says in a cool tone, not giving off any weaknesses, and shakes my dad's hand in a firm grip. My dad, shocked at Kaden's bravery, is at a loss for words, expecting that Kaden would be shaking in his boots right about now.

My mom answers for him, "Yes this is Rose' father as well as my husband, Scott. Nice to meet you Kaden, I'm Rose' mother, Jean," giving him a motherly hug which I'm assuming makes Kaden uncomfortable by the way he awkwardly pats her back.

When my mom pulls back, all playfullness is wiped from her face as she signals for Kaden to crouch down to her height using her finger and whispers in his ear. All color drains from his face as she finishes. I wonder what she said? Kaden stutters out "Y-yes ma'am," which looks really weird for such a big and intimidating guy. But then again, we are dealing with my mom.

Playfullness is back in her voice as she says, "Okay you guys! Now go have some fun but not too much fun. You know the rules Rose and I know you know them by now too Hayley! And Kaden, make sure you get my baby home by midnight and watch over her! I love you honey!" kissing me quickly on the cheek, she ushers all four of us out the door.

"Okay...well that was interesting..." Kyle comments, trying to lighten the mood as we walk down my sidewalk to the cars, or trucks I should say. "We'll see you guys at the dance!" Hayley yells, taking Kyle's hand and dragging him over to one of the cars. After they get inside they quickly peel out of my driveway and down the road. Feeling the love Hayley, feeling the love.

Now it's just Kaden and I, suddenly question pops up in my head, "Hey Kaden," waiting until he acknowledges me, "What did my mom say to you?" He was quiet for a moment before he says, "Nothing you need to know. Now let's go and catch up with Hayley and Kyle, their probably already at the party by now," gently grabbing my arm and opening the passenger side door for me to slide in. Who knew he could be such a gentleman? He then slams the door shut. I stand corrected, that's the Kaden I know.

As he starts the truck I can already tell this is going to be one eventful night. But whether it be good or bad, I have no clue. I guess we are just going to have to wait and find out.

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