Chapter 1

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"BEEP,BEEP!" I hear a car horn blaring outside my house. Pulling my curtains away from my window, I look out and see my friend Hayley's car parked in my driveway. Grabbing my bookbag and slinging it over my shoulder, I run out of my room and down the flight of stairs to my front door.

Just as I'm about to turn the door knob I hear a voice yell, "Rose! You better not leave without giving me a kiss goodbye!" following the thundering of footsteps coming down the stairs. Sighing in defeat, I slowy turn around only to have my mom give me a huge kiss on the cheek and a hug. Wrapping my arms around her, I give her a squeeze and say, "Bye mom, Hayley's outside so I better get going."

Letting me go, I turn around and reach for the handle, pull the door open, and jog to Hayley's passenger side of the car. I hear my moms voice in the distance yelling, "Bye honey! I love you!" turning around, I scream back to her, "Bye mom, I love you too!" as I open the car door and slide into the seat.

After buckling my seatbelt, I turn to Hayley only to have her give me an all-knowing smirk at my mom's daily crazy. Rolling my eyes at her antics, I say to her, "Alright, alright. Can we go now? And keep your eyes on the road!". Giving me a little chuckle, she quickly reverses out of my driveway and starts down the road towards our school.

Turning on the radio, I switch it to the rock channel and hear the song 'Monster' by Skillet playing and quickly turn up the volume, Hayley and I instantly start belting out the lyrics. As we enter the student parking lot, the last verse of the song plays and Hayley finds a parking spot.

Grabbing our bags, we make our way to the school. Thankfully, Hayley and I have the exact same schedule so we both head to our first period together. Walking into the classroom, we quickly make our way to our seats in the back, trying not to draw attention to ourselves. Sitting down, I notice one of the preps, Audrey, coming my way. Oh goodie! "Hey Rose...Hayley" she says in an annoying nasally voice. "Hi, Audrey," I say trying to be polite. I look over at Hayley to see her grating her teeth and softly growling in distaste. These two never got along and despise each other with a passion.

"So Rose, I was just coming over here to give you the invite to my party this Friday night. Do you think you would be interested?" Audrey asks, hope shining in her eyes. "Well, I-," I was cut off by Kai elbowing me in the ribs and answering, "She would love to go."

Giving her a 'are you insane! What are you doing?!' look, she only answers with an evil grin on her face. Oh no, what is she doing now.

Taken back, Audrey stutters out, "Ah, ok then... So I'll see you this friday?" Sending her a polite smile I say, "Yep" popping the 'p.' With that, Audrey takes her leave.

Lightly slapping Hayley's arm, I whisper sharply, "What, was THAT! I thought you hated her guts!" Giving me a mischievous smirk, " Oh, it's all part of my master plan..." she says in a nonchalant manner. "Okay..." I say, sounding unsure.

"Don't you see?! We can take her down from the inside, out! And the only way we can do that is if we go to the party this Friday night!" she yells in an exasperated tone, causing everyone's heads to turn towards us.

Sending everyone glares promising instant death, she gets them to go back to minding their own businesses. Pfft, pansies. She turns to face me, "But Hayleeeyy! Can't we do it at another one of her parties? Why must it be this one?" I say in a whiny voice. "There is no time like the present my dear Watson," she answers in a British accent, trying to imitate the great 'Sherlock Holmes.'

"But-" I was cut off when our first period teacher announced, "Alright class. Turn to page two hundred and fifty-six in your textbook and begin reading while I take roll."

Slipping the two-inch thick literature textbook out from the metal tray attached to the bottom of our chairs, we all turn to page two hundred and fifty-six and begin reading.

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