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and when you cry,I'll be right there telling you
you're nothing less than beautiful.
I walked into the big double doors of my high school. I was late once again because I had forgot to set my alarm the night before. I walked into first period and everyone stared like they haven't seen someone walk into class late before. I rolled my eyes and sat in my seat next to my best friend of 6 years,Michael. He had black dyed hair, green eyes, and the cutest face you'd ever see. He was wearing a black sweater ,that was a little baggy on him and he looked absolutely adorable, and black skinny jeans. I smiled at him and whispered "where were you yesterday? You didnt come to my house.". "Sorry, i had to go to this play thing with my parents and my phone died on the way there." He replied. "Oh, okay. Wanna hang out today?" I asked him. "Sure, wait for me at my locker after school". I smiled and he looked back at the teacher.


I was currently waiting for michael at his locker. I started to get bored from waiting for him to show up, but me being the bestest friend ever i stayed were i was. It was now 3:56 ,a half hour after school let out, and i started getting worried. Just as i was about to pull out my phone to text him i saw a familier head of colors walking towards me. I got up and walked towards him, but stopped when i saw he had a black eye and he was sniffling. "Michael, oh my god what happenend?!? Who did this to you?!?!" I asked frantically. He just looked up at me with tear stained cheeks and slightly red puffy eyes. I pouted and pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back lightly. He nuzzled his head into the crock of my neck and cried. I didnt like seeing my best friend like this, he was too beautiful to be like this. "Michael, baby? Can you please tell me what happenend to you?" I asked, he sniffled and said "i was walking over here to meet you, a-and that one guy jack, h-he started saying things and i tried my best to ignore him but once i started walking away he," his voice cracked, "he pulled me back and started hitting me and calling me an ugly freak, like i know im u-ugly but he really didnt hav-" i cut him off with a hug. "Mikey youre not ugly,youre perfect,so why dont we go home play video games and eat pizza? Sound good?". He nodded and said "you always find a way to make me feel better cal, i love you" he got up amd gave me a kiss on the cheek once i stood up. And thats when i started falling for my best just a little more.


Okay so this is the first chapter, sorry if it sucked, and sorry if theres any spelling errors.
Love you all, vote and comment ♡
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