Chapter 2

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The plan you devised to get yourself captured was dangerous, yet you had no fear. You were locked in a cold room on the ship, and somehow it felt better than being trapped in the palace for all those years. You waited in that room for a long time, with no windows and no clocks. Tired you were, but you couldn't fall asleep. Just because you were free didn't mean you were safe. Not yet, anyway.

Finally, you felt the ship land. A soldier removes the bindings on your wrists and ankles and he holds a gun to your back, forcing you to walk with all the other hostages they took from your planet. You make a point to listen to what was being said around you. By doing this, you learned that you are on the Starkiller Base, and these soldiers around you are called Stormtroopers.

A different stormtrooper stops you and speaks to the one with a gun to your back. "Commander Ren orders to see her."

You are led in a different direction now, away from the other people they took from your kingdom. The stormtrooper brings you to a room, pushes you up to a chair and backs out of the room, the door shutting hard behind you. You look forward and you see him, the one who called you useful. He stands, he's about 20 feet away. And then he speaks.

"Tell me your name." He says, his mask-muffled voice echoing in the metal room.

"Princess Y/N." You say. Then you remember you're not a princess anymore. Given your situation, you're not afraid. You're curious. Intrigued. What is it about you that he finds useful. Why does he think you're 'useful' when everyone you've ever known thought you were just a catastrophic trouble maker.

"Who trained you to use the Force?" He steps closer.

But you don't understand. You have no idea what he's talking about. You stare at him for a moment, and although you are not afraid, you are a bit fearful of what he'll do if you don't respond eventually. "What? I don't know what that is."

He pauses. There's a moment where you're not sure what he's going to do next. But then you see his gloves hands reach for his head. He pulls back his hood and you hear a click as his helmet comes off, revealing who is underneath.

He's young. Probably not much older than you. He has curly, long, dark hair that reaches his shoulders, dark piercing eyes, and a sharp jaw. He's very handsome. You really didn't expect the man under that helmet to look like this. "You don't know what the Force is? Surely, that's what you were using when you knocked one of my men down with his own gun without laying a finger on him, is it not?" His real voice is deep, and you can tell just by hearing him speak that he's hiding something.

"You mean my powers? I wouldn't know if they're this thing you call the Force, I've never heard of such a thing." You can't take your eyes off of him. There's something about him, it draws you in.

"Has anyone taught you how to use your powers?" Once again he steps closer, the air feeling different when he does.

"No. I figured out how to use them by myself. And when people found out about them I was punished. I wasn't allowed to use them." You say this and he has a look of sympathy on his face.

"I'd like to see how you use them. I'm mostly certain that you are Force-sensitive. And if you are, I can train you to be stronger. Would you like that?"

You think for a moment on his words. You'd like to be stronger, but you'd really love to learn how to use your powers without letting it drain you. You've fought for yourself before, but it's never been easy for you to recover from a fight after you've used your powers. You never knew that your powers were a legitimate thing. You wonder if others have them. You want to learn more.

"Yes. I'd like that very much."

And with that he smiles, and a new chapter in your life has begun.  

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