Chapter 9

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You wake up to the sound of a familiar voice. It's one you've heard before, but not in the same way you are hearing it now.

"Alert Kylo that Y/N is awake." The voice tells a nurse.

When you open your eyes you see a woman, dressed in gray. She has short blonde hair, and she's the same height as your beloved.

"Do you know your name?" She asks you.

"I'm Y/N. Who are you?" You ask her, and all of a sudden your head throbs in pain. The ache comes from nowhere.

"Captain Phasma. Do you remember me? Do you remember Kylo, the First Order?" The expression on her face is of worry.

You'd chuckle if it wouldn't hurt your head so much. "Yes, I remember. I've just never seen what you look like without your armor, Phasma."

She smiles. It's the first time she's ever shown any kind of liken to you.

The door opens. Kylo walks inside the room, not wearing his helmet, wearing casual-like clothes instead of his usual black robes. "Y/N!" He shouts, and he's at your side, reaching out to touch your face. He looks at Phasma and says, "Does she remember me?"

"Yes, I remember you Kylo." You say before she has time to respond.

"I feared you would never wake up." Everyone's expressing emotion today. This is rare, you think, Kylo isn't hiding his emotions from you. His eyes are even watering.

"Well.. I'm awake. And I have a horrible headache. Where are we? This doesn't look like any room I've seen in the Starkiller." You ask, as you're handed ibuprofen. You take it, washing it down with a cup of water.

"We're in the Temple. Starkiller was destroyed by the Resistance. We're taking residence here until the First Order can build a new base." Kylo tells you, then he looks at Phasma and the nurse. "I'd like a bit of privacy now, you are dismissed." And Phasma and the nurse leave the room.

He sits on the edge of the bed, his hand returning to your cheek, and you can just see all his feelings for you displayed in his eyes. You can see all those nights without you he spent worrying he'd never hear your voice again or fearing he'd never see the glimmer in your eyes when you look at him.

"How long was I out? Did I have a concussion?" You ask, scooting closer to him and leaning your head against his arm, just to feel him close to you again.

"Yes. It's been three weeks since Starkiller Base was destroyed." His voice is so gentle. He leans

his face in close to yours. You kiss his lips, that fluttering feeling returning to your stomach like it always does when you share these moments with him. "I love you." He says.

"I know." You say. 


oh my god i'm so sorry I didn't update sooner, I like had all these chapters already written and totally forgot about this fic. but it's my most popular one so I'm gonna update again soon and finish the story! Sorry again!

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