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I walked around the sidewalks of New York City. My eyes tearing up every once and awhile. I bring my hands up to brush the tears. If only my mom was here. She would know what to do. But my mother decided to leave with my older brother with the divorce money from my dad which was a shit ton. She got my brother and I got to stay with my disappearing father. Who I barely see. Probably someone's dream, to not have a parent hovering over their every move. Probably Nates dream to not have a problematic father. I try calling Nate for the hundredth time, this time he picks up "Hello..." His voice quakes and my heart breaks. "Nate I've looked all over for you.. Where are you?" I ask concerned. He takes a moment I can here his shoes walking away from something "I'm uh.. I'm at my moms house." He says I turn around walking in the direction of Nates moms house. "I'll be there ten minutes tops!" I say hanging up hailing a taxi giving the man the address.

An abundance of first responder cars fills the street so the taxi can't go farther. "Here thank you" I hand the man the money with a large tip for getting me here sooner than ten minutes. I pull my heels off running to the scene. A cop stops me "Sorry this scene is off limits" he says sternly "I'm his girlfriend!" I say to him shrieking "Mr. Archibalds?" The cop questions I shake my head Nate walking up from behind the cop "No mine" he says taking my hand pulling me through. Once were through I hug Nate "What's going on Nate?" I ask worried about Nate "My dad arrived at my moms, and..." He pauses looking off in the house "He's all drugged up banging on the door and suddenly he collapses and dies from a drug over dose." He says his voice breaking. No matter how far apart Nate and his dad were I knew that that was his dad. Nates dad always holds a special place in his heart. "Oh Nate I'm so sorry" I say wiping his tears away kissing his wet cheek. He holds me closer his body trembling. I rub his back soothingly trying to comfort him.

It's been a few days and I'm standing by the same people in the same circle except Nate is missing. And he took a piece of my heart with him. He's visiting his fathers residences in Florida to explain what was going on in their sons life. I wish I could go with him but my father got back into town as soon as he heard the news of Nates dad. Everyone in the circle stood quietly almost having our own small morning session. "You know he was always a prick to Nate" Chuck spoke up making everyone's attention draw back to him. Serena cracked and started laughing then Blair then Dan then Sydney who probably didn't understand and I was the last to crack a smile "What's so funny? I was being serious!" Chuck exclaimed not being able to suppress his smile either. I wish it could forever be like this. But quickly the summer approaching and we all will be going separate ways.

"Nate!" I say sitting in a taxi I hailed separately from Blairs just to get privacy "How's everything down there?"
I ask chewing on my bottom lip. "Good" he answers. "I'm coming home tomorrow." His voice sounds drained and worn out. "Oh that's good I'll text you okay? I just wanted to hear your voice. Get some rest." I say hearing him say goodbye before handing up. I was starting to really get attached to Nate. And fast.

I walk into the penthouse nothing could get worse than these past few days. Oh wait they can. My father stands in the kitchen a drink in his hand talking to none other than Bart Bass. "Hi daddy" I say walking over to my dad kissing his cheek. I never call him daddy normally it's his name but I have to look good for Bart. "Hi sweetie Bart was just telling me about your and chucks downfall." I gulp walking over to the fridge grabbing a water bottle "I thought i told you Chuck and I aren't together any longer." I say looking at my father. "Now hunny you know how much you and Chuck love each other." No I dont. "Oh of course" I say suddenly feeling vulnerable. My weeks just getting better and better. "So let's set up a date for you two to become the richest couple in New York then yeah?" He laughs along with Bart clinking their drinks together. Everything in the aristocrat type world revolves around money and making more money. "Sure daddy. Now if you excuse me Mr. Bass I need to do my homework" that's a lie I already did it. But I need to see Blair. I walk into Blairs room to see her on her stomach playing in her laptop. "B" I say huffing holding in my tears "this is god awful everything is bad" I say walking over to her bed laying next to her "What happened now princess?" She asks rolling her eyes. I sit up surprised by her attitude "B..." I say my voice trailing off "What's wrong?" She turns looking at me. "I don't know K. Maybe the fact you stole everything away from me now you decide to whine about probably your nail polish being chipped!" She shrieks making me stand from her bed. "I don't steal anything!" I say my hand on my chest my heart racing. "You stole Nate. You stole my opportunity with Chuck. You stole-!" I stop her "Chuck was rightfully mine! He and I were together before you had the chance!! I didn't want Nate back then!" I say offended at her accusations. She laughs shaking her head "What you don't know K is that Chuck and I were planning to fuck. Not you and Chuck. The note somehow got switched and suddenly you two were together!" She says. I can't believe this "Chuck never loved you. In fact he left you for me for the longest time. He cheated on you with me. When he was staying over? He was staying in me." Her eyebrows rose my eyes started to tear up. "You're going to cry now?Really?" I cover my mouth "why did you hide this from me B?" I ask everything falling around me "Because you really think I enjoy Sydney with Chuck either? No. But I'm glad I don't have to see him with someone as low as fucking you!" She shouts making me run out of her room. I could handle this. My best friend broke my heart. I couldn't call Serena she'd side with Blair some how. Nate is out of town and there was only one person left. Sydney.

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