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Sydney ;-;

I sit on my bed in my apartment talking to Chuck on speaker phone "I don't think that's necessary" I tell Chuck. "Nonsense it's your nineteenth birthday!" Chuck exclaims.
"It's my nineteenth not my twenty first."

"I'm throwing you a party"




A knock comes from my door just as I'm about to say yes "Gotta go, and no party!" I say ending the call as Chuck says "yes party". I get up walking to the door opening it to reveal as distraught looking Kendyl Grey. The makeup under her eyes along with the eyeliner shows she's been crying. She barges in finding my living room sitting on the couch. I look at the time 9:30 did she walk all the way here? She rips off her heels setting them down on the ground "This is awful." She says her voice quaking. "Just make yourself at home" I say rolling my eyes walking over to the kitchen "You want water?" She shakes her head rubbing her forehead "More like vodka." I shrug reaching in my dads 'special cupboard' grabbing the absolute vodka I pour her a glass walking over handing it to her "Here" I say handing her the glass she takes a sip shuddering. I sit across from her in a chair "What's so awful that you had to come see the person you most dislike?" I ask her raising my eyebrows" she huffs crossing her arms over her chest "Believe me you were my last choice but I knew you'd have an open opinion on the matter. It involves Chuck if that hits close to home just let me know. But I will tell you this." I lean in slight and she looks at me "I do not. I repeat I do not have a thing for Chuck. Call it as it is but I really feel something there with Nate and I don't think I should let that go" she says her face completely serious. I can feel my mouth swinging open like I'm amazed. This hard headed stubborn mule of a girl is opening up to me and I barely know her. Granted I am her last choice it still kind of touches me that she would even consider me she could be talking to her doorman right now. "Go on I'm listening" I tell her.

She proceeds to tell me about how Chucks dad and her dad had a meeting and now they want to schedule as date between Chuck and her. But that's not what was going to bother me. She blatantly said that she had no feelings toward Chuck and she wants Nate. What bothers me about that statement is that their parents would force a relationship just to be a network of money. Then Blair finally cracks which was inevitable but she most likely heard chucks dad and her dad talking. Once she finished I bring up my idea "she probably heard you guys talking and it sparked some crazy grudge she's been holding. I see her point but maybe if you had explained the situation to her she'd-" suddenly Kendyl stands abruptly "WHY ARE YOU TAKING HER SIDE!" She shouts making me jump up "Sh sh I'm not taking her side. I'm taking yours. She shouldn't have snapped. Especially with what you're already struggling with." I explain trying to calm her. She comes to realization falling to the floor dramatically crying. I crater my head unsure of what to do with her. "Cmon you can sleep on my bed" I help her up she sniffles "But school tomorrow.." She trails off. "I'm sure I have clothes you can wear if not Chuck is like my personal stylist he can bring clothes." I say matter of factly

I lay on the couch cuddled up under the cover the morning light shinning through the open windows. The shower running and the sound of breakfast being made. I sit up looking at my dad a confused look on his face as well as my own. "Who's in the shower?" He asks chuckling putting pancakes on a plate. Oh shit. "My friend" I answer or my worst nightmare. He nods and Kendyl walks out of of the bathroom a towel around her body "hi syds dad" she says smiling at him. My dad looks petrified having his boss's daughter in his small house "You can call me Chris." He says laughing awkwardly. "Uh.." I say my eyes darting between the two. "I need clothes." Kendyl says walking into my room. "Right"

I give Kendyl free reign of my closet so she can pick something out herself. "This is cute" she admired the clothes. I sat on my bed already dressed in a skirt and tank top with a cute scarf on as well waiting for her to finish changing. I like the new look she created with pieces of clothes and the style she made. "You should go into design" I praised her making her giggle "thanks. It's not my usual but Nates coming home early and I wanna be... Homie like you know?" She say looking at herself in the mirror. "I agree." I comment "now let's leave before were late"

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