Chapter 2 - Cameras

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The first thing I do in the morning is mentally curse myself. I should of very drank that much and stay out so late and doing what I did with Amber, that needy woman. I sit up in bed, seeing that it's already 8 in the morning and I have to be in the office at 8:30. 

Fuck it, I'm the CEO; I'll show up whenever I want. I stand up, groaning from the pounding headache banging at my head harder and harder. Note to self, no more dark liquor for a month. I look over at my bed and see that Amber is sound asleep, last night coming to me in a blur as I stumble out my bedroom.

"Good morning Mr. Preze." My maid Melda says in her ususal calm and cool voice. Melda has been taking care of me since I was 6 and when I finally got enough money I brought her from my father.  "What can I get for you?" 

I rub my forehead, taking a deep breath. "Coffee and would you please see Miss Amber out by the time I get out the shower." I say as I turn back and head to the bathroom in my bedroom. "I want my suit pressed and layed out with my bed made as well." I call over my shoulder loud enough to make Amber stir in her sleep. It almost makes me sick to see her laying in my bed like that after what happen last night.

I turn the shower on to hot before stripping off my boxers and stepping in, letting the hot water wash over my and my sins. Last night is still a blur to me, the only thing I remember was my beautiful angel at the bar. I stap my head up quickly, I have to see if she made it home safe last night. I quickly wash up and step out from the bathroom as I hear Amber agruing with Melda as she shows her out; I mean what did she think? That we were in a relationship? I snort, shaking my head as I come over to my bed that's already made and a grey suit laid out for me.

I dress quickly and step out from my bedroom, my hair still wet from the shower as I make my way to the kitchen. "Here is your coffee Sir." She hands me my mug to go before stating. "You know, Amber is started to really annoy me." She states calmly in her Spanish accent as she starts my breakfast.

I can't help but laugh. That's one thing I like about Melda, she was never afraid to tell me the truth and be honest with me. "I know what you mean, she's starting to get to clingy, she knows that I'm not the relationship type anyways." I take a sip of my coffee before reaching for my jacket. "I won't be eating breakfast Melda, I'll be out having a business dinner and won't be home on time tonight." I state before leaving my loft and down to the garage where I see my selections of cars. I think I'll be drive the black BMW for today.

I start up the car and head to the office. I work for a trade company in New York City that my father owned before he gracefully handed it down to me. And what I mean but gracefully, I mean I through a few lawsuits at me and took the company and besides, he was old anyways and it was going to mine sooner or later. I would never forget the look he gave me when the sercurity grauds came to his office, a look that I knew all to well. The same look he gave my mother whenever he hit her or when he was going lock me in the closet.

I quickly shake my head, hearing a few cars beeping behind me. I curse under my breath, I knew I should of took an Asprin before I left for work. I finally pull into the parking lot and head inside to the building, nodding my head at a few hellos before stepping on the elevator to the top floor, also known as my office. I step out my busty blonde secretary jumps up quickly. "Oh hello Mr. Preze." She says as I walk pass her to my office. "All of your meeting are clear for tonight." She states, following behind me like a little lost puppy.

I groan, wondering why I'm always surrounded by desperate and needy women who only want me for my money, body and attention. I bet she's not like that. My mind goes to the girl from the bar, wondering what she's doing. Is she at home asleep from a long night at work? Or at her early morning classes? I sit back in my leather seat and sip my coffee. "Where the hell are those documents I wanted on my desk?" I ask, looking over at the lost puppy standing by the door.

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