Chapter 8 - Back To Black(Edit)

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Things started changing between Lily and I after that faithful night when I kissed her. I didn't sleep in her room anymore since I was scared of what I would do if I lose control with her. I don't even want to think about it. I wake up first in the morning with a call from Tony, telling me that he's coming to my office with some news and a update on Carlos.

I groan, getting out of bed and picking out my own suit since I descided to give Melda a day off from her taking care of Lily and I. After I finish my shower and getting dress I go down to the guest bedroom, peeking inside, seeing Lily sound a sleep. I go inside, sitting down on the edge of the bed as I watch her sleeping, her chest rising up and down slowly. I move my hand over her cheek gently, moving some of her hair from over her face before I lean down and kiss her forehead gently before leaving to work, wishing I could just stay home today but Tony having more leads on Carlos is something I can't miss.

I arrive at my office and on my floor. Feeling reliefed and refreshed when I see no Judy and glad that I fired her, I couldn't handle much more of her neediness. When I step inside my office I see Tony sitting in my leather chair. "You're here earily." I say as he gives my a goofy grin.

"And I'm glad to see you too brother." He says as he stands up and we give each other a bro hug before I go over and close my office door. "So what do you have?" I ask, taking a seat as he comes over with his laptop, typing in a few things before Carlos profile shows up.

"Carlos Ortiz, fourty-three years of age, from Mexico, came to America when he was fourteen. Never had a real job, been arrested 6 times out of the years he's been here in the states. His last arrest was ten years ago, charges was from abuse, sexual abuse, and rape of a miner." My jaw clench at that part. That man hurt Lily for no reason only that he's a sick of a bitch. He took her innocences away from her and abused her in the process. I swear when I get my hands on him I'm going to-

"And the woman who bailed him out name is Wendy Cooper, age thirty-six, an all American girl who's been arrested four times on prostitution charges, using illegel drugs, spouse abuse and child abuse. She has two daughter ages six and eight who were put in foster care for a few months before she got herself clean and took them back." Tony says, showing me her profile.

I sigh, running my hands through my hair, things have started getting bad now that they're are children around that monster and their bitch of a mother. "What else?" I ask, noticing that my foot is tapping. A bad habit.

Tony coughs, rubbing his chin. "Well, I had my guys tap on Lily's line from when Carlos had called her and we had a voice over and he sounded like he was in a rush really. We also found out that he called from a cellphone that was stolen and dumped but it does show that the call was in New York somewhere, we just can't find out where."

I groan in fustration. "That's it? That's where it ends?" I ask, looking at Tony as he shakes his head. "No, we actually found out that Carlos and his new family where staying at some cheap motel a few days ago just south across the bridge but when we checked it out they were gone. I'm having all my boys checking out every motel and hotel in New York to keep a look out for him."

I nod my head as Tony puts his stuff away and we stand up as I shake his hand. "Thanks for telling me this man, it means a lot to me." I say honestly. "Hey it's no problem, whatever I can do to keep Lily safe. By the way, what's up with you two? Are you guys married yet or what?" He ask smirking as I roll my eyes. 

"No we're not, I told you how I feel about dating, it's not really my thing. Lily and I are just best friends, nothing me." I say, lying through my teeth. Not ready to tell him about the kiss me and Lily had shared.

"Yeah whatever, you say that now while you have a beautiful woman waiting at home for you." Tony snorts before going over to my office door. "Oh yeah, Elizabeth wants you two to come over for dinner tomorrow night. We're having meat loaf." He smiles as I wave him off. "Alrigth we'll be there." I call after him before sinking down in my leather chair, looking over at the clock on my computer to see that it's already four in the afternoon. I descide to just call it a day and go home, shutting down everything as I get up, grabbing my brief case and heading out the office. Looking forward to seeing Lily and what she wants to do for today.

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