Chapter 4 - Her(2)

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I sigh to myself, leaning back in my seat as I think about the whole night. Vax is a douchbag, I won't have anymore contact from Amber, thank God and the love of my life is sitting next to me in the back of my car. "So.." I hear her say, snapping me quickly out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I move my hands through my hair.

"I saw what happen with you and your girlfriend just then." Lily says, looking at me. "Wasn't that a bit mean? I mean to do it in public?"

I sigh loudly, shaking my head. "She wasn't my girlfriend, you should know how I feel about dating women. And besides, she's not my type anyways. She's to needy and desperate for any male attention so trust me, she'll find someone new." I say. "She disrespected you Lily and that's not right in my book." 

That's one of the things I admire about her, she's still forgiving and wouldn't harm a fly or someone as low as Amber. Lily is a caregiver, she loved people and animals. Animals like me. Animals like her step-father too.

My blood boils just thinking about the son of a bitch and what he did to her but I remember those days so clearly, almost wishing I haven't.


I remember the first night when I witness what he was like. We were both ten and I always came over when my dad stroms out on my mom.

" did you get in here?" Lily ask whispering from looking under her bed where I usely hide out at. I crawl from under her bed. It's already one in the morning and I know well that if her mom came in here things would get ugly.

"My dad left again and mom was crying. It made me mad so I left to the train tracks before coming here." I say, sitting on her bed. "Why are you still up?" I ask, looking at her. She looks like she hasn't eaten in days let alone sleep.

"Are you hungry?" She ask, ignoring my question completely. I nod my head quickly, I couldn't finish my dinner due to the fact that my parents argued in front of me.

"I'll be right back" She leaves out her small bedroom to the ktichen at the end of the hallway.

I looked around her room, just a regular girls room with some pink, teddy bears, a few pictures of us and her family. I snapped out of my thoughts quickly when I heard glass breaking and yelling.

"Perra estúpida, I told you I wanted my money today!" A man yell and I know who it is. I creep out from Lily's bedroom and peek around the corner to look in the kitchen.

Seeing Lily's mom and step-dad screaming and yelling at each other in front of Lily. The look on her face is terror and fear. "Psst." I let out quitely, hoping she can hear me over the yelling.

She looks my way and run towards me and pass her parents who are to busy yelling at each other to pay attention. "Come on." I take Lily's hand and into the closet in the hallway.

We sit in the dark, listenting to them yelling before hearing a loud slap noise. Both of us jump from the sound, Lily's body shaking next to me.

"You think you can fuck around me huh? You think you can just take all my money, usted debe ser suerte de que no te mate!" He yells.

"Please, por favor. I don't know where your money is, you're drunk." Her mom yells. "Where's your daughter huh? You're going to have to pay me back some how and I know a way." We start hearing his footsteps in those heavy books he's wearing. 

"LILY, saca tu culo aquí. Tiene algo de papá para ti!" He yells. I move Lily behind me as we sit in the closet, she's shaking like crazy and snobbing. "From this day on I'm going to protect okay?" I whisper to her but before she can say anything the closet door is pulled open and he's standing in front of us with a sick smug look on his face. "There you are torta del bebé." 


"Earth to Julius hello? Is anybody there?" I snap out of my thoughts. "Oh..I'm sorry what?" I ask, looking over at Lily who's looking at me like I'm crazy.

"I was talking to you but you stop answering. I mean damn, Richard and I basically becamse best friends while you were zoned out." I roll my eyes at that, shaking my head. "Sorry, I'm just a little tired that's all." I say, giving her a small smile.

She shakes her head smiling. "Well, I'm sure it is trying running a huge company by yourself." She says, leaning back in her seat before the car slows down to a stop and I knew we were at her place. "Wow, I didn't know you lived around these part." I lied, looking over at her. "You should stay at my place." I state.

Lily looks at my confused and a bit shocked. "You want me to stay at your place?" I nod my head smiling. "Yeah I do, this neighbour hood doesn't look safe." I hear her sighing about to say no when RIchard chimes in. "I would agree with Mr. Preze. If someone saw you coming out the car dressed as lovely as you are then it'll catch someones attention." He says.

Lily sighs, closing her door. "Fine but I have to be back home tomorrow by 4 in the afternoon." She says and I see Richard smile. Well, now I'm glad I hired him. We drive off to my place and a million things run through my head about what could happen.

Would I try to kiss her? Would I try to seduce her and sleep with her? I start question, apart of me wants to have my way with her, show her how much I care about her, show her the better things in life. But another part of me doesn't want that at all.

Another part of me wants her to make the first move so I know if she feels the same, I want us to make love on her terms, not mine. I feel her laying her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed as I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer to me nd I know what I want to do. I'm going to let her descide what she wants.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'm not feeling well and just freestyle with this so if there's any confusion somewhere in the story then sorry. Comment, vote go ape shit! *cough cough sneeze* P.S: Shouts out to google translater!

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