Your profile, basics, and prologue

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(AN:O yah the outfit in the photo is what you wear plus a cloak. But when ur older but as a kid u wear something eles. You can choose the colors for it + the cloak. So yah let's get to ur profile.)

You are adventurous, creative, shy, smart, and kind of have a little short temper. (Hehe have to balance it)

(F/n) first name:

(L/n) last name:

(F/c) favorite color:

(O/c) other color:(you can pick more than 1 other color)

(H/c) hair color:

(S/c) skin color:

(E/c) eye color:

(H/l) hair length:

(H/t) hair type: (curly, straight, etc.)

(F/f) favorite food:

(Y/w) your weapon: (sword, or weapon like that you will automatically have a bow.)

(F/s) favorite shape

(Y/f/c) your fur color:

(T/l) tail length: (short, medium,long)

(E/l) ear length: (short, medium, long)

(Y/m/n) your mother's name:

(Y/f/n) your father's name:

(S/n) sisters name:

Sequel Time: starts when ur young

Your pov
Mother it's so boring here why can't I leave or go in my human form? I ask looking out one of the tree holes with my hands under my chin. Because (y/n) dear it's to dangerous and if other humans know who you are they will use you and hurt you. I mentally sigh because I never got to outside the tree I live in. We've been over this (y/n) how many times now? Said your mother in a irritated tone. But mother, if I'm in my human form they won't know I will look like them and plus I'm immortal! I spat back. No! (F/n) (L/n) I told you no is no and what if they take you anyways in your human form! Your only 5 Years old(counting in human years not animal for dis also you and your sister live longer like 6 is 600 years old if you watched the anime u get it ), those bast- I mean ugly ungrateful humans are pigs and will just take u to take you! Look what they did to your father and siblings they are gone except you and (S/n)! Exclaimed your mother starting to cry. Mother I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. You said in a quiet voice. You then processed to your sobbing mother and tried to comfort her but as your doing that you hear a thump on one of the tree branches outside near one of the tree windows. I then walk over to the place I heard the loud thump from. I then see a cream colored fox with a white tail tip and under belly and paws with cyan eyes with a squirrel in its mouth. I immediately know who it is an I say, hi (S/n) seems like you caught food today like always. Ya I know aright, why are you in you human form? She asks stepping inside the massive tree. We'll I decided to walk around a bit in this form and ask mother again if I can go outside again. I said shuffling my feet starring at the ground. Huu, you asked again you she isn't going to let you outside still. You sister say putting the mouse on the ground lying down. I know but- you tried to say but got interrupted by your sister saying I know you want to but your still a pup but I can take you around later at night when mother is asleep. You Sister Said whispering the last part. Really! I exclaim jumping up. Ya we can get you a new human dress to while we are at it with a ribbon too. But you have to be in your fox form. (S/n) Said looking at you. OK! I exclaim. I then close my eye and start to change into my fox form. Even though I was in human form I still have my (Y/f/c) (E/l) ears and (T/l) tail with my (F/s) shape on my chest above my soon where to be boobs is tattooed. When I was fully transformed into my fox form I look like (Y/f/c) fox with (O/c) tail tip, (O/c) paws, (F/s) on my chest that is (O/c), (O/c) stripes on each ear, and (O/c) dots under my eye. I can't wait to go outside this tree for the first time. I still don't understand why I can't I mean I get people want to use me but I'm immortal it's not like they can kill me. I mentally thought. We'll better get some rest. I thought. I then sit in my left nest and fall into a deep slumber.

Time skip lol

Sister wake up time to go. I heard (S/n) whisper in my ear. OK I'm up whisper. We'll let's go then I heard her say. OK. I then started following my sister throughout the forest looking for the human nest. We finally found it after 30 mins and we headed straight on in. Alright let's start our collection spree. My sister said carrying a human bag she found.

Time skip because I'm lazy and it's late.

Wow sister we got a lot of stuff. Hey look sister at the pretty hanging thingys I see humans wear on their ears and with the ones on their necks too! I exclaim running over to the store window. I saw the most beautiful pair. A gold ear thingy with a (F/c) gemstone hanging in the end and a gold neck thing with a (O/c) gemstone hanging of it. Haha sister the neck one is a necklace and the ear on are earings. I will look for a way in you should change into the dress and ribbon I got u in your human form. OK I will. I said changing into a human once more. I got a (F/c) dress (like ellans) with fingerless matching gloves that go up to my elbows and a (O/c) bow that I tie on the back of my head. Alright sis I got the last thing for tonight which is the jewelry. My sister says coming back. Alright let's go home then. I say ad I change back into my fox form. Then all of a sudden a a big fat hairy (no offense to anybody) human saw us and had a creepy grin on his face. He then pulled out a bow and started shooting at us. We ran and he kept chasing us until we cornered ourselves. He then pulled out a sword and was about to slice us I closed my eyes and waited for the blow but never came except the man yelling in pain. I re-open my eyes and I see our mother's teeth sinking into the man's foot. We then ran out of the corner and she ran with us too. What did I tell you it's dangerous to be out here go I will keep him distracted. Mom no plz we can help. I said. No keep going now! She exclaimed. Then she turned an fought the man. A second later I turned around to see her on the floor about to get sliced. I then started to run back but my sister grabbed me and ran. Then in slow motion I see the blade coming down at my mother slowly cutting her and blood flying everywhere. Then I heard a voice and it said wake up. Wake up now (F/n) it's only a nightmare.

Wow ok. I'm so tired I stayed up late doing this. Hehe hope yah in joyed :)

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