Chapter 4

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Ok this is a loftwing guide thingy. You will see why later I added this photo. And srry for late update peeps hehe bye.

The whole knights seemed to fire something that looked like huge fireballs! Thankfully meliodis got rid of the biggest one and the rest destroyed the town. One almost hit me and my sister who I was carrying. I swear on someone's dead body in a grave I will kick these wholey knights asses for almost killing me and my sis. We'll on second thought just my sis cause I'm immortal and she isnt. Crap all my gear is back home in the forest and I looks like they are destroying everything around. I can't let them harm my tree home and destroy the village. I would have nothing to live on and I'm starting to feel smpathy for humans. Dam I need to get my gear to help out but it's a little ways away. Fuck it, I'm going. I then start running off with my sister in hand. While running I see roley polly holly knight with huge ass like maracas in his hands with howser walking down the hill heading towards the back of the ring. And ban and meliodis getting tossed around like rag dolls by 2 female wholey knights. I was pissed off even more because the sins seemed so nice except the part of taking the town but I think that was to save everyone. Then I heard (s/n) say, stay focused and keep running you idiota. I snorted at her and kept running to the tree house.

\\Time skip//

Finally made it to the tree house. I then grab all my gear and put on a fresh set of my clone clothes I like to call it and grabbed an extra just in case and put my main weapon (y/w) on my back and a few throwing knives a kuni and few other minor things and headed back out to face these assholes of wholey knights. But I have to hurry or eles they will destroy the whole town with the sins and princess with it. We'll lucky for me since I'm a spirit I have my own flying animal which was a loftwing. ( *cough* *cough* I had no other flying type birds to think of. *cough*). It was (f/c) with (o/c) wing tips. So I whistled for it and almost immediately It flew onto the roof of the tree house where the small pond is at. I jumped on it and waited for (s/n) to hop on. Finally when she did we took off into the sky. I told it to fly as fast as it can to town so we can help the sins out and it just cawd which means ok in animal language for me. And (he/she) took off at a fast pace flying towards town.

₩¥Time Skip₩¥

When I got to town the whole thing was a giant ass mess. I couldn't find meliodis or ban or any of the sins anywhere. But I saw the princess. Princess Elizabeth the youngest out of them all. She got bigger a lot bigger. We'll she was tiny when I met her and in diane's giant boobs. We'll at least she was back to normal. She is a very kind princess, I will protect her and help the sins defeat these wholey knights. While I was flying towards the princess I see meliodis getting sucked in goddess amber and ban behind the purple hair lady about to poke a hole in her neck with the guy named griamor and wholey knights watching, well griamor freaking out a bit. I then landed between Elizabeth and everyone eles. They all look at me like who the hell are you well except ban. I then dismount my loftwing and ask Elizabeth if she is ok. She only nodded and told me meliodis is stuck in the goddess amber with tears in her eyes. I nodded and turned around to face everyone else. We'll that's unexpected who are you? Said the wholey knight with long black hair and bangs. I then said I'm (y/n) (l/n) the fox spirit of hunting and harvest what are your names wholey knights and state your business here! My name is gila and this is jirico our business here is none of your concern but since your friends with the princess and u know the sins are evil and what they did long ago can you ask the princess to come with us she was brainwashed by the sins. Said gila. O sure let me add her freedom and and her little pretty brainwashed mind with it. Who sprinkled there asshole flakes on this whole town. I said in a sarcastic tone. What did you say?! Exclaimed jirico. Stop jirico. Said gila putting her hand in front if her. We'll someone's got a stick up their ass bitch and don't think I'm stupid I was there when you destroyed this town and it hurt many people doing so u was right there when I happened. I said in a sassy irritated tone while I hear Ban snickering. I then see gila shoot ban off of the purple haired lady and then I hear Elizabeth scream to the purple haired lady she hayes her and runs off while griamor got angry and the knights and taped them in a bubble. The purple haired lady runs after a Elizabeth then a a certain point the ground starts to glow and Elizabeth got pushed out of the way while the other lady got blown up. I went up to Ban and made him drunk a medicine that should make him heal faster. I then ran to Elizabeth and heard her say somethings on the way while crying. I then heard griamor yell princess vironica! I was shocked and looked at her. I then her gila say that it was a good idea to set up mines around her. I then glare at her and then I hear Elizabeth calling meliodis. Then I heard the amber Crack and melodies appeared before us but different with a mark on his head and body. He then started attacking the wholey knights and even accked ban. I then thought he's not in control thankfully he didn't kill me or the princess. He then started to attack at random which kinda terrified me. He then flew over the forest o was living at and gila shot some bombs over there that exploded the whole forest and I just screamed no and jirico saw that and sent some of her own attacks over there which destroyed the whole forest even more.

$$Time skip$$

After all said and done meliodis went back to normal and everyone was ok and alive. Diane went back to normal to and destroyed the whole area using her sacred item and king got hurt but is ok. Ban regenerated back and I was some what fine because of my immortality but I still fought wholey knights. Then thought rushed back to me and I said out loud without thinking trying to be tough and not cry we'll dam those stupid ass wholey knights destroyed my sister and I home time to find another place to live. Then meliodis asked if you want join them for a while. I looked at him like are u joking or this is real. He like no this real so are you in spirit or not? I then said yes a bowed to him thanking him on the verge of tears. But where r u going to sleep, said hawk. I then said don't worry I then transformed into my fox form with the last of my energy cause I was fighting to yah know and went on Ban's head and sat down there made a cute squeaking noise. Wo what the said king coming closer examining my fox form. And diane and Elizabeth just said it cute. While meliodis said that's cool a fox girl and then started having pervy thoughts. Ban just said do you have to use me as a resting spot? I just snorted and wacked his face with my paw and jumped off. I then ran up diane and rested on her shoulder while ban gave me confused look. I thought it was cute he did that and I just turned around curled up in a ball and fell asleep while my sister did the same but was on my loftwing.

Yay I did one finally. I promise you I'm not dead. 👻 👻 👻 so yah srry for late update see you later my peeps.

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