Ban x reader story. (F/n) (L/n) a 19 year old girl who is an immortal fox hybrid spirit. She is the fox spirit of good hunting and harvest. Whenever some spots her that person will hunt good next time they do. Same thing go's with harvest. On her tr...
I woke up the next morning with screaming and yelling from my unrestful sleep. And I was dead tired and not ready to deal with anyone's bullshit. I jump off the tree falling on the half way mark eating some leaves and twigs on the way then tasting the grounds disgusting ass. I groan in pain, then getting up and walking over to the noise like a zombie. As I get closer I see Elizabeth screaming in shock as meliodis sticks his face in her boobs while groping her behind, Diane getting mad and pouting angerly, while Ban and King freaking out about Diane's rage pouting. As I reach where everyone is I get angrier by the minute since they woke me, THE READER-CHAN! I WILL HAVE AUTHOR - CHAN RIP ALL THEIR DICKS OFF AND MAKES THIS A SEASON 2 OF CORPS PARTY. Wait what did I just say? Never mind it's probably not important. I then stop right in front of them with my hair covering my eyes as a dark aura starts to surround me scarier than Russia. (Get the refrence, if you do I give you a cake🍰🍰🍰). They all stop to see me pulsating with a dark aura and Elizabeth, king, and Diane are frightened. "Shut...the fuck.up.", I say darkly heading inside the tavern and sit at a table and let sleep take me.
Ban's POV
"We'll that was interesting, don't Ya say Cap'n", I say looking at the tavern door where (Y/n) just went through. "Ya, that was weird. She is never that mad and she even had twigs in her hair. What happened to her?", Cap asks curiously. "Who knows, all I know she's scary", King said scared. "O come on King your not afraid of ghost girl?", I tease poking him in the cheek. He just glares at me and floats away somewhere inside the tavern. "Hey go check on (Y/n) she what's wrong with her. Last I saw her was with you yesterday when you were drunk. Maybe you did something to her while being drunk.", Meliodis says shooing me off to only stick his head under the princess's skirt. Alright then let's go see how the (h/c)-net is doing. As I was heading inside I tried to remember what happened last night. Did I do something to set (y/n) off? Come on brain remember. The weird thing is I feel weird around her. Hu. I wonder if I felt this feeling before? I will find out later.
Welp hey guys what's up its DaCMDragon 🐉 🐲 here. Srry for short chapter. And again srry for not updating. I'm just really busy with school. Dang teachers are buttholes with all the hw they are giving me. And again I want to put more stories I do outside of wattpad on here. So yah I will do that just give meh some time. I hate typing with my phone so I like to do it with a comp but yah. Thx everybody for sticking with me peace!✌😆✌
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